
Long long ago,there lived a poor man named Alibaba.One day when he was cutting wood in the forest,he saw a large number of men coming towards him.He was frightened and climbed up into a large tree. When the men got to a big rock,they got off their horses and took off a lot of heavy bags.Alibaba was sure that they were robbers.
A moment later,one of the robbers said to a big rock,"Open sesame!" Then a door opened in the rock.The robbers entered and the door shur again.After a long time,the door opened and the robbers came out,one of them said"Close sesame!"And the door closed at once.Then the robbers got on their horses and left.Alibaba came to the rock and said"Open sesame!"The door opend. He filled several bags with gold and diamonds,and put the bags on his donkey.Then he said"Close sesame!"The door closed at once and he rode back to the town.

第1个回答  2011-07-25

第2个回答  2011-07-25
不用翻译了....这是阿里巴巴与十四大盗~~ 讲到Alibab偷走强盗们的钱回镇子就没了。
其中有意思的几句“Open sesame” 应该是芝麻开门 “Close sesame ”应该为芝麻关门