

Jay Chou (on January 18, 1979-China台湾Taiwan华语流行歌手、著名Chinese pop singer, famous音乐人musicians、音乐创作家、, music creators,作曲家composer、作词人、制作人、, lyrics, producer, and杰威尔jewell音乐公司老板之一、导演。Music company boss, one of the director.近年涉足电影行业。In the film industry in recent years.周杰伦是2000年后亚洲Jay Chou is 2000 years of Asia流行乐pop坛最具革命性与指标性的创作歌手,亚洲销量超过2700万张,有“亚洲流行天王”之称。The most revolutionary altar with the creation of the indexes, Asia singer has sold more than 27 million copies, "Asian pop king," said.他突破原有亚洲音乐的主题、形式,融合多元的音乐素材,创造出多变的歌曲风格,尤以融合中西式曲风的He break through original Asian music theme, form, fusion of music DuoYuan material, create various songs style, especially in the integration of western style嘻哈hip-hop或or节奏蓝调r&b最为著名,可说是开创华语The most famous, is a Chinese流行音乐Pop music“中国风Chinese wind”的先声。周杰伦的出现打破了亚洲流行乐坛长年停滞不前的局面,为亚洲流行乐坛翻开了新的一页。"The first sound. Jay Chou's in breaking the Asian pop music stagnant years situation, for the Asian pop music turns over a new page.

中文名:Everybody else 周杰伦Jay Chou
外文名:Foreign names: JAY JAY Chou Chou
别名:Alias: 周董jay、周导、小周, week guide, small weeks
国籍:Nationality: 中国China
民族:Ethnic composition: 汉族han
出生地:Place of birth: 中国台湾省Taiwan province台北Taipei县county淡水镇DanShuiZhen
出生日期:Date of birth: 1979年1月18日January 18, 1979
职业:Occupation: 歌手,演员,老板,Singer, actress, boss,音乐制作人Music producer
毕业院校:Graduate school: 台北县私立淡江高级中学Taipei county senior middle school. Private Penn
经纪公司:Brokerage company: 杰威尔音乐有限公司Jewell music Co., LTD
代表作品:Representative works: 东风破Dongfeng broken、千里之外Miles away、本草纲目Compendium of materia medica、听妈妈的话Listen to mother's words、稻香Rice fragrant、兰亭序handicraftsmen等etc
生肖:Any of the twelve animals: 马horse
星座:Constellation: 摩羯座Capricorn
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第2个回答  2011-07-13
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2003-12-26?12:18:02??Is the southern net comprehensive
Southern net 讯 ?Week hero 伦


Birthday:In 1979 January 18th(Thursday)

Blood type:O?Type

Height:173cm Rice


Educational background:Taiwanese thin river's high school music
Specialty:Write song and write words,play ball(basketball)
Good at musical instrument:Piano,cello,guitar,jazz drum
Music type:R&B
Pet phrase:Is the 屌 a 屌 not?
The biggest advantage:The phrase song creations dint is strong,new music of the e generation
The biggest weakness:Shy and softhearted
The biggest wish:Walk world each corner
Love most a product:Sored cap,each kind of musical instrument?
Career:Glee club piano accompaniment in thin river high school, Mr. see-the thyme fry fish(the unit play), the street music perform a house(role), super New appointee king's year second prize