
History of assaults:

2000: A sexual predator assaulted at least seven women in the York University area from July to October. Except for two, all attacks were on isolated pathways at the York’s Keele St. campus. Dubbed the York University Rapist, Philip Foremsky was sentenced to five years in prison in 2001.

2006: Two young York students were violently assaulted in November in the Sentinel Rd. and Murray Ross Parkway area. A man was arrested during a third attempted sexual assault.

2007: During frosh week, two men walked into six dorm rooms on different floors of York’s Vanier College. They sexually assaulted two women, both 19, who were sleeping alone with doors unlocked. The two entered at least six rooms and tried to attack a third woman. Daniel Katsnelson was sentenced to eight years in prison and Justin Connort received a three-year sentence.

2008: A student was attacked and sexually assaulted in January. Police said the attack took place in the stairwell of the Founders College residence.

2010: A 20-year-old student was sexually assaulted by three men in April. She was attacked as she walked to her apartment south of the campus in an area where many students live known as The Village, near Keele St. and Finch Ave. W.

April 5, 2011: A student was attacked by three males outside the Absinthe Pub on campus.

April 15: Qian Liu, a 23-year-old visa student from China was attacked in her basement apartment near York and found dead, just hours after her boyfriend in China watched via webcam as she tried to fend off an attacker who appeared at her door. Brian Dickson, 29, has been charged with first-degree murder.

May 5: A student was sexually assaulted in the Seneca@York building.
这个是toronto news的新闻,标题是University not warning us of assaults, York students say
http://goabroad.sohu.com/20110721/n314090282.shtml (这个是搜狐新闻有关最近2011年7月的发生的性侵犯事件)


另,你能进约克大学的商科不代表就能进出名的schulich商学院,这个自己要先查清楚,(舒立克学校schulich),你如果能进schulich, 那确实是很好的学校,校区在downtown,完全不用担心

约克大学的Schulich商学院,Osgoode Hall 法学院都很不错,但是学费较高。还有一个Master of Mathematics Finance program也不错,虽然比不上多大的MMF。如果不是进入downtown的校区,那么就位于多伦多市的北边,环境较为荒凉,所以治安确实不是很好,但是一般来说只要晚上不要单独出去遛达,特别是不要单独去酒吧之类的地方,不会出什么问题。最好住宿在离学校很近的地区,并且和若干好友合租,不要一个人租住。多伦多所谓排名前七的七名大学中没有约克大学,但是约克大学就业率还比较高,在多伦多的名气也比较大,即使和多大的学生竞争,也一般没有人会觉得多大学生一定比约克学生强。
第1个回答  2011-07-25
约克大学总体一般,本科商科也只能说not bad,但商学院很好,但难进。
第2个回答  2011-07-24
学校挺好,不过位于黑人区,security is a problem
第3个回答  2011-07-24
第4个回答  2011-07-24