

The design is based on 51 topics MCU temperature control system. Use 8051 as microprocessors, the temperature detection and automatic sampling and given value, Fuzzy thinking PID control of temperature control. Using fuzzy control system to control the temperature can be used to overcome the target temperature hysteresis characteristics of the pure, control short response time, overshoot small and simple structure, the wide range of application. The hardware circuit design to MCS-51 series of 8051 as the core of the system The use of intelligent temperature sensor for temperature DS18B20 components. This will be single bus, Digital temperature sensor used in computers and automated measurement and control field changed the traditional method of temperature measurement, directly to the physical transformation temperature of the digital signal and send it to the bus computer data processing. Then zero detection device, temperature control devices to achieve the right heating temperature control. 8051 External Serial EEPROM24C16, monitors, keyboards, watchdog circuit, and an independent power supply. Meanwhile every system using every part of a specific device to improve its ability to resist interference. Software design of MCU application for the preparation of assembly language. The main points are : main program, keyboard and display program, T0 interruption procedures, sampling procedures, digital filtering procedures, scaling transformation process, PID Operational procedures, T1 interruption procedures watchdog procedures. The design of the main contents of the hardware circuit design, device annealing, software process, PROTEL application for diagram drawing. Grasp the principle, the hardware device connected between the anti-jamming design. All of the chip subsidiary of the functional components for a comprehensive understanding to complete the connection with the chip design and location. The experimental application of the device sliding rheostats for zero, in order to increase accuracy.

