佛山985电台6月35日21点多播出的一首英文歌曲,不知道叫啥名字,很经典的,男歌手,之间包含的 you and me

很熟悉的旋律,大概的英文,try agnin far away? for you and me ,face to face等,听得声音未必正确。
是6月25日,抱歉。还包含one more try吧

Only Love
歌词编辑:洪湖渔夫 QQ:16849991

Two a.m. and the rain is falling (凌晨2点的凄风苦雨中)
Here we are at the cross roads once again (我们再次来到这分手的十字路口)
You're telling me you're so confused (你告诉我你是那么的彷徨)
You can't make up your mind (你无法做出决定)
is this meant to be you're asking me (那是不是意味着你在回绝我)
But only love can say (可是只有爱可以回答)
Try again or walk away (从新开始或是远远离开)
But I believe for you and me (然而我坚信,对于你我来说)
The sun will shine one day (阳光会再一次照彻大地)
So I'll just play me part (因此我只是扮演我的角色)
And pray you'll have a change of heart (祈祷你的心情会从此改变)
But I can't make you see it through (但我无法让你明白)
That's something only love can do (有些事只有爱可以决定)

In your arm as the dawn is breaking (晨熹在你的臂膀间升起)
Face to face and a thousand mines apart (面对面心却相距千里)
I've tried my best to make you see (我努力地想让你明白)
There's hope beyond the pain (痛楚过后还有希望)
If we give enough if we learn to trust (如果我们真心付出,如果我们学着去信任)
But only love can say (可是只有爱可以回答)
Try again or walk away (从新开始或是远远离开)
But I believe for you and

第1个回答  2011-06-26
Never ahead had I imagined that one day I ought have the chance to live with so numerous girls and yet never before had I been confident in myself that I would be able to get according with them harmoniously for 4 years. The quite doing of approaching my new dormitory made me horrified and bewildered. With what variety of wording should I face them? Would a unattached “hi” be appropriate? Would they accept such a plain girl favor me? All the answers haunted my mind. Harboring such a complex and uncertain sentiment I shoved the door open.I was about apt greet my new roommates, merely suddenly I felt namely I had a lump in my throat. They did not arise apt have the same preoccupations that I had. They fair coped with their own affairs, sorting out their clothing,Hermes Handbags, and production arrangements for their future life. Thus calm became the dominant memorandum in the dormitory.To my startle, facing such a situation, I did not feel a sense of disappointment. On the contrary,hermes handbags sale, I even felt a mini bit merry, since I had been long anticipating a serene surroundings. With the elapsing of time, we got to know each additional deeper. I was amused to ascertain that in deep conscience we always belonged to the same pattern----reserved as we were, we all set lofty our horizons and never stopped pursuing our dreams. Somehow I often thought that it was just the arrangement of the fate that brought us together, since we seemed so similarly.However,prada handbags, not long before this kind of harmony was afflicted along my own upset of mind. During that time, for of my going tasks, every day I had to linger out for a long period, unable to communicate and commute ideas with my roommates. When I was devoured in the state of muddle and grief occasioned by the massive burdens, I base not one to turn to assist. What I was concerned about appeared to have nobody to do with them and what they were act and talking about appeared by far away from me. I often dreamed that they were aboard top of a hill, overlooking me with eyes fraught with incomprehension. While I, standing at the foot of the hill, tried my extreme to reach them,hermes handbags birkin, only to be left in despair. How I hoped that they could say something even nonsensical to me! How I hoped that they could be dissimilar type of human with a remove demarcation between what to hate and what to adore. However,Replica Louis Vuitton Women, it was impractical, since they were destined to belong to the group that seemed indifferent to everything. While one episode changed my mind and made me cherish this kind of tranquilize better and extra confident in our friendship.One day while I was leaving the teachers’ office, it was already in deep night. The surroundings were in complete pacify and frightening darkness. Even although I was so disinclined to go to that cold world, my feet were out of control and they went directly to my dormitory. At the dormitory door, I was surprised to find that there still existed a little light glimmering in the darkness, so faint but yet so clear. In that setting, it seemed so matchless and mighty. Just in the guidance of the light, I went to the chamber without any obstacles. All of my roommates had been in sound sleep, leaving the world in calm and the rosy light. Unconsciously tears rolled down my cheeks, and those were tears of pleasure and appreciation. “Just because someone doesn’t love the direction you want them to, doesn’t average they don’t love you with all they have.” This was a belief that I had borne in mind for a long time, but not until then had I understood the true definition of it.Sometimes something may not know how to show their feelings to you, but just give yourself a few minutes to consider over and you will sense the core beyond this shallow indifference. Since we all like tranquility, both in environment and in our mind, our friendship namely leap to be a general one. Neither do we have passionate feelings, neither do we have sharp changes in life, and even anger leaves us away. While in our deep consciousness, we are bound together by a kind of hidden power. I am sure that it have to be love and attention towards the others, from which the healing stamina emanates. It is just this kind of power that melts all the misunderstandings and unpleasantness. Thus it makes us think together, laugh together, and even wail together.。

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