

Since 1980, China, the United States menthol first anti-dumping investigation, So far the United States has imposed on Chinese products more than 100 anti-dumping measures, China is the world's largest country prosecuted. 2003 U.S. anti-dumping efforts for the Sino-U.S. trade imbalance increased again, China has ruled TV, Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings, and other products to the United States constitute dumping, announced that the China textile implementation of special safeguard measures China also ruled the furniture business with the United States constitute dumping damage This is also so far the biggest amount of anti-dumping investigations into the case, the value is as high as 10 billion dollars. U.S. increasingly frequent anti-dumping is the main reason for the United States after China's WTO entry can be used for its domestic industry protection The legitimate means fewer anti-dumping has become its trade protectionism a "heavy artillery." Agricultural trade in China-U.S. economic and trade relations have always occupied a very important position. Sino-U.S. trade friction is also one of the focuses. The United States is the world's largest exporter of agricultural products. In April 1999 the United States signed the "Agreement on Cooperation in Agriculture" to resolve the Chinese imports from the United States citrus, Wheat and quarantine issues of the Sino-U.S. agricultural trade widened the road. According to the United States Department of Agriculture statistics, in 2002 the United States exported to China's agricultural value of 2.672 billion U.S. dollars. 2003 first nine months, China's imports from the United States, the total value of agricultural products has reached 2.55 billion U.S. dollars, Compared with a year earlier rose 123%; from China and the United States agricultural imports was 930 million U.S. dollars. trade surplus reached 1.62 billion U.S. dollars. However, the United States on other Chinese products exported to the United States market unwarranted accusations, its agricultural trade surplus has not been forthcoming. In order to protect domestic agriculture and food security, according to the relevant WTO regulations, China began in 2002 on imports of transgenic soybeans implementation of a safety review of impact on the American agricultural exports to China. The results of agricultural trade was the United States that "the United States and China, especially between the contentious issue." (2) Although the two sides eventually negotiated an agreement on this issue, to defer the implementation of the screening, simplify the reporting and vetting procedures, but because both sides on the issue of trade in agricultural products there is still a large difference in the cognitive, Sino-U.S. agricultural trade disputes outlook is not optimistic.
第1个回答  2007-04-24
第2个回答  2007-04-30