
the above certificate of origen in duplicate evidencing goods are of Chinese Origen ,issued by chamber of commerce
he certificate of origin has to contain full name and add of the factory or firm which producted /processed the goods and should evidence that the goods exported to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are of the origin as mentioned above.
In addition,certificate of origen should state that the country of origen of goods shipped has been mentioned on each and every item of the product.

要求体现goods are of Chinese Origen 这句话可以在第7栏货物描述里显示
原产证必须体现生产或加工货物的工厂的完整公司名称和地址。并要体现以上所有货物出口到沙特的货物都是原产中国。the goods exported to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are of the origin as mentioned above 这句可以体现在第7栏货物描述里
第1个回答  2011-04-10
产地证一正一副就可以了,可以在产地证货物前描述那里显示goods are of Chinese Origen ,盖上商会章
产地证Exporter栏要显示生产或加工货物的工厂的完整名称和地址,并且货物描述栏还要加上the goods exported to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are of the origin as mentioned above,可以显示在货物后描述里
另外,信用证描述栏还要加上the country of origen of goods shipped has been mentioned on each and every item of the product,可以显示在货物后描述里