初三英文选择题 (并说明为什么选这个答案)

1、Don't worry.W will do anything we can ____you
A` help B. to help C helped D helping
2,、I remember on that day ____came one after another to our family .mom could hardle believe her cars
A many good newsB pieces of good newsC a good piece of newsD a piece of good news
3` You r mother is serously ill.the doctor must____right away
A call inB be asked forC be called in D be invited to

1.anything后跟定语从句修饰anything且定语从句省略,原句应为“anything that we can do”也就是说你可以把定语从句去掉只看主句“we will do anything_you”这样就清楚多了对不对?应该为to help表目的:来帮助你
2.注意news,新闻只有一种形式,为不可数名词只有“news"一种形式,没有单复。另外注意一条新闻常用“a piece of news”,而它的复数形式是在piece上,用“pieces of news”而通过句意“一条接一条地到来”判定应该用复数形式,选B
3.call in固定短语,请来或找专业人士帮忙、咨询等
ask for请求,要求;invite to邀请,不合语境
还有一点要注意,我们请医生,医生应该是被我们请,这里应用被动式sb. be done
第1个回答  2011-03-25
B, we can 是 “anything”的后置定语,其实也就是可以说“we will do anything (we can )to help you.

C,good news came one after another,好消息接连不断

C,Call in 作"请来"、"找来"、"召来"解,"请人来作某种专业的咨询或帮忙"的意思。如:
Your father is ill, you should call in a doctor at once.你父亲病了,应该马上去请个大夫来。
The police have been called in to help make it clear.
第2个回答  2011-03-26
1B 不定式表目的 目的是为了帮助你
2.B 由于后面 one after another 意思是一个接着一个 那就肯定不止一个好消息
所以排除CD 而news 是不可数名词 一条消息用a piece of news 多条就用Pieces of news.
many 用来修饰可数名词
3.C be called in被叫来 D项应改为be invited 如果加to 后面一定要有地点
ask for意思为要求 ask for SB to do Sth 要求某人做某事
第3个回答  2011-03-25
第一个选B,是短语do something to do something,后面的to do 不定式做目的状语
第二个选B,news 是不可数名词,所以排除A,
第三个选Ccall in a doctor为请一个医生的意思
第4个回答  2011-03-25
第一题选B 不定式补充说明
第二题选B news是不可数名词
第三题选C call in固定短语,请来或找专业人士帮忙、咨询等,这里医生应该是被请来,所以用被动语态