
Is it possible that the sinking of the titanic was caused by a ghost? A lot of the story below is true… but did it really happen quite like this? Our story begins not in the icy cold waters of the North Atlantic, but rather thousands of miles away in Egypt. It is here, perhaps, that we can find the start of the mystery (谜) of the Titanic, in the year 1910, in the great city of Cairo. One day, a famous professor of Egyptian history called Douglas Murray was staying in Cairo, when he was contacted by an American adventurer. The American had something unusual to offer Murray, something that was certain to thrill him; a beautiful ancient Egyptian mummy case, containing the mummy of an Egyptian queen. It was over 3000 years old, but in beautiful condition – gold, with bright paintings on it. Murray was delighted with both the object and asking price. He gave the man a cheque immediately. The cheque was never cashed. That evening the American adventurer died. For his part, Murray arranged to have the treasure sent back to Britain. However, it was not long before he learnt more about the beautiful mummy case: On the walls of tomb in which it had been discovered, there were messages which warned of terrible consequences to anyone who broke into the tomb. Murray was disbelieving of these warnings until a few years later, when a gun he was holding exploded in his hand, shattering his arm. The arm had to be cut off. After the accident, Murray decided to return to his homeland, on the return journey, two of his companions died mysteriously, and two servants who handled the mummy also passed away, the
now-terrified Murray decided he would get rid of the cursed case as soon as he arrived in London. A day he knew named Janet Jones said she would like it, so he gave it to her. Shortly afterwards, Jones‘ mother died, and she herself caught a strange disease. She tried returning the mummy, but naturally Murray refused it. In the end, it was presented to the British Museum. Even in the museum, the mummy apparently continued to cause strange events. A museum photographer died shortly after taking pictures of the new exhibit; and a manager also died for no apparent reason. In the end, the British Museum decided to get rid of the mummy too. They sold it to a collector in New York. At the start of April 1912, arrangements for the transfer were complete, and the mummy began the journey to its new home. But the New York never received the mummy or its case. For when the Titanic sank, one of the objects in its strong-room was the mummy case. Or so they say.

泰坦尼克的沉没有可能是因为幽灵么?许多故事是这样的。但是真的是想这样发生的么?我们的故事不是发生在南太平洋冰冷的水中,但在千里之外的埃及。在那里,希望我们能发现泰坦尼克的谜之初始,在1910年的Cairo。一天,一个叫Douglas Murray 的著名埃及历史学专家正在Cairo城里当他与一名美国探险家交流。美国人有些不同寻常的东西要给Douglas,一些让他兴奋的东西,一个美丽古老的埃及 木乃伊,一名埃及女王的木乃伊。它已经有超过3000年的历史了,但依旧有美丽的外表,有着金光闪闪的绘画在上面。Murray 对它很感兴趣并询问价格,他马上就给了美国人【支票】。钱还没有花,那个美国人就在那天下午死了。Murray尝试计划将这个宝藏送回英国【懒得翻了QAQ】