

(刘洲成)干涸的泥土 已埋藏千年不变的构图(李茂)Yeah 过滤时光 只剩 Loneliness But don't afraid (刘洲成)迦南美地消失前 开始肆意扼杀生长的幸福(李茂)Yo 是来自异域的艺术 警示着历史麻木 New life (马雪阳)停不住 说不出 什么程度去努力描述 风尘已久 苍老的石板路不在乎 有若无 什么地步蒸发身体的温度 凝结成雕塑 (合唱)当爱重新降临在大地 吹散了悲伤的记忆(张远)完整了光荣的定义(合唱)站在重新收获的雨季 露出了笑容的美丽(张远)我想应该是你 RAP: (李茂)We are the TOP COMBINE 谁说谁很酷 Why 选择一个人孤独的追逐心跳在加速 时间却停住镌刻的信仰 该向谁臣服梦 是不会背叛逃亡的俘虏吻 是可以囚禁幻觉的信物若既又若离 若离又若即的态度伤口就让 时间去弥补 (金恩圣)停不住 说不出 什么程度去努力描述 风尘已久 苍老的石板路不在乎 有若无 什么地步蒸发身体的温度 凝结成雕塑 (合唱)当爱重新降临在大地 吹散了悲伤的记忆(张远)完整了光荣的定义(合唱)站在重新收获的雨季 露出了笑容的美丽(张远)我想应该是你 (刘洲成)视线变模糊 只剩痛苦来不及挣脱 心的束缚(张远)努力地去追逐 那道光芒是理想让人 勇敢飞翔 (合唱)当爱重新降临在大地 吹散了悲伤的记忆(张远)完整了光荣的意义(合唱)站在重新收获的雨季 露出了笑容的美丽(张远)我想应该是你 (合唱)当爱重新降临在大地 吹散悲伤的记忆(张远)完整了光荣的定义(合唱)站在重新收获的雨季 露出了笑容的美丽(张远)我想应该是你 (合唱)当爱重新降临在大地 至上励合
第1个回答  2013-11-21
Never give up 永不言弃
Never lose hope        永不心灰意冷
Always have faith       永存信念
It allows you to cope      它会使你应付自如
Trying times will pass      难挨的时光终将过去
As they always do     一如既往
Just have patience     只要有耐心
Your dreams will come true   梦想就会成真
So put on a smile 露出微笑
You' ll live throught your pain 你会走出痛苦
know it will pass         相信苦难定会过去
And strength you will gain    你将重获力量
第2个回答  2013-11-21
你有我 会一直为你加油
有你有我 就是最好时候
我 对你没保留就算看不见 你也在心里面
就像被你加冕 灵魂加了亮点
就想再好一些 对你再好一点想什么 就说什么
喜欢我你有我 会一直为你加油
有你有我 就是最好时候
我 对你没保留你刻印在我的胸口
像温柔 默默在渗透
爱为你加油 加油加油加油再加油
当忧愁 都被你没收
爱为你加油 加油加油加油再加油就算看不见 你也在心里面
就像被你加冕 灵魂加了亮点
就想再好一些 对你再好一点想什么 就说什么
喜欢我你有我 会一直为你加油
(你有ME!爱为你加油 加油再加油)
有你有我 就是最好时候
我 对你没保留你有我 会一直为你加油
有你有我 就是最好理由
我 对你没保留
第3个回答  2013-11-21
built to last
There are times that you can beckon
There are times when you must call
You can shake a ton of reckoning
But you can't shake it all
There are times when I can help you out
And times that you must fall
There are times when you must live in doubt
And I can't help at all
Three blue stars / Rise on the hill
Say no more, now / Just be still
All these trials / Soon be past
Look for something / Built to last
Grateful Dead
Wind held by the collar
Got a cloud held by the breeze
You can walk on coals of fire
But sometimes you must freeze
There are times when you offend me
And I do the same to you
If we can't or won't forget it,
then I guess we could be through
One blue star / Sets on the hill
Call it back / You never will
One more star / Sinks in the past
Show me something / Built to last.
Built to last till time itself
Falls tumbling from the wall
And darkness moves on all
Built to last while years roll past
Like cloudscapes in the sky
Show me something built to last
Or something built to try
There are times when you get hit upon
Try hard but you cannot give
Other times you'd gladly part
With what you need to live
Don't waste the breath to save your face
When you have done your best
And even more is asked of you
Let fate decide the rest.
All the stars / Are gone but one
Morning breaks / Here comes the sun
Cross the sky now / Sinking fast
Show me something / Built to last本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2013-11-21