牛津书虫The Witches of Pendle 的介绍





第1个回答  推荐于2018-05-12
During the 17th century, many people in England believe in witchcraft. A witch can be an old woman, or a young lady----even sometimes can be a man or a boy. But witches are often women. Everybody was afraid of witches, because you will die if the witch say a curse.
In 1612,there is a girl called Jennet Device living near the mountain of Pendle of Lancashire.She was 9 years old by then, and she is always hungry when it is poor in the family. She looks very weak. She nearly hasn't clothes and shoes, and sometimes she can't have meal for many days. Life was tough for her at that time.
Jennet's grandma, Old Demdike is a witch. Jennet's mother Elizabeth and Jennet's sister Alizon are also witches. Even his poor,silly elder brother is a witch, too! However,the villagers think so.
This book is told by the heroine Jennet.The story begins in 1634,Jennet was put into the Lancaster Castle Prison at that time...本回答被网友采纳