

A Happy Weekend It was a sunny weekend day in autumn. The sun was shining brightly, and white clouds were floating in the blue sky. My parents and I were in high spirits as we visited an orange orchard on the hill. We rode to the foot of hill, and then began to walk along the path leading to the top of the hill. The orchard was on the hillside where orange trees grew all over. It was the season of harvest, and we saw ripe oranges hanging on the branches. I was very excited to see the beautiful orange color among green leaves, which was really a feast for the eyes. I couldn’t help shouting“what a lovely view!” and my parents were smiling. As we were walking along the path in the orchard, we picked a lot of oranges. It was very exciting to pick it yourself. Looking at the oranges, my father said,“I’m sure no one will be hungry in this orchard.” My mother and I agreed with a smile. At sunset, we went home happily with many self-picked oranges. We enjoyed the pleasure at harvest in the beautiful orchard. I would never forget that happy weekend.一个愉快的周末 秋日的一个周末,阳光明媚,蓝天上白云飘飘,我和父母兴致勃勃地去爬山上的一个橘园。 我们骑车来到山脚下,然后顺小道往上爬。山坡上全是橘树。这是成熟的季节,我们看见熟了的橘子挂在枝头。我很喜欢绿叶簇拥下的橘黄色,美不胜收,我禁不住说道:“好漂亮的景色!”父母都笑了。我们顺路来到橘园,摘了许多橘子,亲自摘橘子是很令人兴奋的。看着满园的橘子,父亲高兴地说:“我敢肯定没有人会在这里说饿。”我和母亲微笑着表示赞成。 太阳下山时,我们也带着自己摘来的橘子回家了。在这个美丽的橘园中我们收获了很多快乐。我永远都不会忘记那个愉快的周末。 评个满意答案吧
第1个回答  2014-02-25
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第2个回答  2014-02-25