
五个英语单词分别为:on purpose、all by oneself、cast out、set forth、the more……the more

Jean asked me to send this misleading letter to Marc. I knew she did this on purpose. Thanks to her, I had to walk through that dark alley in front of Marc's house all by myself! On my way to Marc's, I thought about what people said about him. I have only known Marc for barely two months. And yet I have heard lots of stories about him. I know I will be cast out from the group if I let the stories out or set forth to question the truth behind. But I really want to share all these secrets with someone. The more I think about him, the more I'm afraid that I won't be able to accomplish what Jean has told me to do.

简让我把这封会令人误解的信交给马克。我知道她是故意 (on purpose)这么做的。感谢她,我不得不自己一个人(all by oneself) 穿过马克家门前那条黑漆漆的小道!在去马克家的路上,我一直在想别人告诉我有关马克的故事。我认识马克才仅仅两个月。但是我已经听过很多关于他的事情。我知道如果我把我听过的故事走漏出去,或者是继续(set forth)问背后的真相,我会被这个朋友圈驱逐(cast out)。但是我真的很想和其他人分享这些秘密。我想他想得越多,我就越害怕不能完成简交给我去做的事情 (the more..the more)。