
Don't mention that at the beginning of the story , or it may_____ the shocking ending.
A. give out B, give away C, give up D, give off
2, 怎么翻译这句话

【give out】有这么几种意思:
1. send out (sound or light,etc.)产生/散发(声音、光等)
e.g. The sun gives out light and heat to the earth.太阳给大地以光和热。
2. distribute 分给;散发
The government gives out payments to people out of work.政府给失业的人发放救济金。
3.announce;declare;make known 宣布;公布;发表
He gave out that the mayor had been elected.他宣布新市长已经选出。
4.be used up;become exhausted用完;耗尽;力竭
His patience gave out long ago.他的耐心早已消磨殆尽。
【give away】
1.give as a present 赠给
He gave away all his books before death.他临死前献出了他的全部书籍。
2.reveal 泄露
Don't give away our secret.不要泄露我们的秘密。
3.betray 出卖
He was given away by a traitor.他被一个叛徒出卖了。
4.distribute 分发
The guest gave away the prizes.客人分发了礼品。
【give up】
1.stop trying;cease doing sth.停止做某事;放弃做某事
She realized she was wrong and gave up the argument.她意识到她错了,便停止了争论。
2.stop hoping for;give up as a bad job;abandon hope;lose hope对…不抱希望;对…绝望
*She seems to have given up all hope.她似乎已放弃了一切希望。
3.hand over;deliver up 交出;让出;移交
*He gave the books up to his brother.他把书交给了他弟弟。
*The young man gave up his seat on the bus to the old man.
4.surrender 投降
*The murderer has given himself up.杀人凶手已投案自首。
【give off】
release esp.a liquid,gas or smell散发(液体、气体等)
*Boiling water gives off steam.开水产生蒸汽。
*If you don't shower more often,your body will give off an unpleasant odor.

第1个回答  2011-04-18
这是考察动词短语 A 用尽,分发 B泄露 C 放弃 D 发出,选B 意思是:在故事的开头不要提及这个,否则就会泄露了令人震惊的结尾。