



1. 开头:引起读者兴趣,提出主题或论点。

2. 背景:简要介绍与主题相关的背景信息,为后续论述做铺垫。

二、主体(Main Body)

1. 分段论述:根据主题或论点,将内容分为若干个段落进行具体阐述。

2. 每段主题句:每个段落的开头应有一个主题句,明确表达该段的核心观点。

3. 论证与例证:使用事实、例子、引用等方式来支持主题句,使论述更具说服力。


1. 总结观点:简要概括整篇文章的主要观点或论点。

2. 回应开头:与引言相呼应,使整篇文章结构紧凑。

3. 提出建议或展望:可以提出针对主题的建议或展望,以增加文章的深度。

下面以一篇关于“The Importance of Reading”的英语作文为例,详细说明各个部分的写作要点:

The Importance of Reading


* Opening: Begin with an attention-grabbing sentence, such as "Reading is a powerful tool that can transform our lives."

* Background: Briefly introduce the topic of reading and its historical significance.

Main Body:

* Paragraph 1: Discuss the educational benefits of reading.

+ Topic sentence: "First and foremost, reading is essential for education."

+ Argument: Explain how reading improves vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.

+ Examples: Cite studies or personal experiences that support the argument.

* Paragraph 2: Explore the personal growth aspect of reading.

+ Topic sentence: "Beyond education, reading also promotes personal growth."

+ Argument: Argue that reading helps us understand different perspectives, cultures, and ways of thinking.

+ Examples: Describe how a book has changed your perspective or influenced your behavior.

* Paragraph 3: Highlight the娱乐 and relaxation value of reading.

+ Topic sentence: "Moreover, reading is a great way to unwind and escape the stresses of daily life."

+ Argument: Discuss how reading can be a relaxing hobby that helps us decompress after a busy day.

+ Examples: Share favorite books or authors that you enjoy reading for pleasure.


* Summarize the main points discussed throughout the essay.

* Echo the opening by emphasizing the importance of reading and its role in our lives.

* Optional: Propose ways to encourage more reading, such as starting a book club or implementing reading programs in schools.

Remember to proofread your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors before submitting it. Also, consider seeking feedback from a peer or teacher to improve your writing.