

法国外籍军团有着“团结互助”的传统,全球共有172个战友会。这些战友会通常以地理位置命名,例如“法国外籍军团巴黎战友会”,但“法国外籍军团退伍华人战友会”却以“华人”命名,这反映出华人在军团中的特殊地位。华人战友会得到官方认可,表明法国军方尊重并赞赏华人士兵的贡献。1991年海湾战争后, returning Chinese soldiers sparked a new wave of enlistment among the Chinese community in Paris.
Since 1991, over 800 Chinese individuals have served in or been discharged from the Foreign Legion, hailing from various regions, and serving in roles such as paratroopers, engineers, and armored troops. In 1995, following the passing of a Chinese veteran, 26 ex-soldiers including Hu Yongduo, Hu Li, Hu Liping, Yu Sanming, and Yang Weiguo, among others, came together to form an association to facilitate networking and mutual support. Initially met with resistance due to concerns over the singling out of a single nationality within the association, their efforts were eventually successful with the help of General Ivan de Kéchakian, a four-star NATO general.
The Chinese Veterans Association of the Foreign Legion, established in 2004, has since become an active participant in French society. Unlike other associations, the Chinese ex-soldiers did not disperse upon discharge but instead remained in France, contributing to the community. In 2009, the Association's fourth leadership team was sworn in, with more than 500 attendees from various sectors in France and China.
The Association has also established a Chinese school, emphasizing small class sizes and high educational standards. The students, mostly children of veterans, learn from textbooks provided by China's Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, starting with拼音. The school not only provides education but also fosters friendships among the next generation.
The Association has been instrumental in bridging French and Chinese communities, organizing events such as the annual Camerone celebration and contributing to the汶川地震 relief effort. Members have also been actively involved in community services, such as supporting a fellow veteran during a tragic accident and maintaining order at events.
The Association's establishment reflects France's recognition of the Chinese contribution to the Foreign Legion. Moving forward, the Association aims to have a voice in French society and continues to focus on education for the younger generation, never forgetting their Chinese heritage.