

1. Off the topic - 跑题
2. Big mouth - 大嘴巴
3. Lively - 活泼
4. A mastermind - 能人
5. That killed me! - 雷死我了
6. Crossed off the list - 从单子上划掉
7. Dog walker - 遛狗的人
8. Running an errand - 事先有事
9. Queue up - 排队
10. Overkill - 画蛇添足
11. Goosebumps - 鸡皮疙瘩
12. Infidelity - 外遇
13. Juice with pulp - 带果肉的果汁
14. Low-key - 低调
15. Made a fool of oneself - 出了洋相
16. 天生美人胚子 - 天生丽质
17. Nodding in agreement - 跟着点头
18. Overreacting - 反应过度
19. I'll have another one - 再给我倒一杯
20. Right here - 就在这里
21. Freshly squeezed juice - 鲜榨果汁
22. Persevere with effort - 努力坚持
23. Still awake? - 还没睡?
24. Of course - 当然
25. Complimenting you - 说你的好话
26. Absence makes the heart grow fonder - 小别胜新婚
27. You really have guts - 你还真胆大
28. Is there an urgency? - 有急事吗?
29. Are you mocking me? - 你嘲笑我
30. Are you spying on me? - 你监视我
31. Shut up - 闭嘴
32. Breaking the rules - 反规则
33. Do you get it? - 你搞明白了吗
34. Give him a break - 放他一马
35. Is it helpful to you? - 对你有用吗
36. You're being too generous - 别过奖了
37. Don't act superior - 别摆架子
38. Don't get too drunk - 别喝醉了
39. Don't fabricate the truth - 不要捏造事实
40. Don't push it too far - 别太过分
41. Don't pretend - 别装蒜
42. Don't be mad at me - 别生我的气
43. Don't rush me - 别催我
44. Take your time - 慢慢来
45. Enough of it! - 闹够了
46. Go with your gut - 凭直觉做
47. If you dare - 有种你就去
48. It's fate - 上帝的安排
49. He's really annoying - 他真讨厌
50. You're awesome - 你真棒