

第1个回答  2021-03-07
第2个回答  2021-02-17
ln the epidemic prevention and control, l was shocked by a doctor - Zhong Nanshan, an84 year old academician.
At the age of eighty-four, an old man should enjoy his old age. Seeing the difficulties ofthe country, academician Zhong Nanshan took the high-speed railway to Wuhan withouthesitation.The photos of your reclining on the high-speed railway make people all over thecountry moved and tearful.After arriving in Wuhan, Zhong Nanshan repeatedly called oneveryone to pay attention to safety through the media, but he threw himself into the"epidemic" of the war without gunpowder regardless of his personal safety.
At the beginning of the epidemic, the number of people who have been diagnosed ismore than one day, millions and tens of thousands. Sometimes, the number of people whohave been diagnosed can be as small as 10000 a day.This is a great test for the angels inwhite who participated in the battle, but Zhong Nanshan did not flinch, but did his best tofight against the virus. He worked day and night in the front line of anti epidemic, leading theangels in white to overcome the difficulties and bow for human health.After unremittingefforts, the epidemic was finally controlled, and the number of confirmed cases was oncereduced, from 10000 to more than 100 a day, and the number of severe cases was decreasingevery day.
Have succeeded in carrying out an assignment go forward with great strength and vigournovel coronavirus, Zhong Nanshan. He has been able to bring his sharp sword to the Wuhan,China, and all mankind.
Academician Zhong Nanshan is worthy of the title of medical champion.
When the novel coronavirus pneumonia patients appeared in large numbers, the nameappeared in the public view, he is 84 years old Zhong Nanshan.Zhong Nanshan is an
academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and a famous respiratory expert. Assoon as he appears, the patient will be saved.He is the great savior of the patients withrespiratory diseases.
ln fact, this is not the first time that he appeared in the public field of vision and becamethe focus of attention.In 2003, Zhong Nanshans R & D organization made great
contributions in overcoming the SARs epidemic.
Zhong Nanshan once said, "hospitals are battlefields. As soldiers, we dont rush to them.Who will?" Now, despite the danger of his life, he is determined to march to Wuhan again.Earlier, after analyzing and studying the news of his illness, he immediately conveyed hissuggestion: "my general view is not to go to Wuhan without special circumstances".But onthe evening of January 18, when he advised others not to go to Wuhan, he went to the frontline of epidemic prevention in Wuhan without hesitation. As a soldier, he rushed forwardagain. What a lovely old man! The appearance of Zhong Nanshan is like a tranquilizer ofsocial mood.In the eyes of the public, he represents integrity, science and authority. Whatsmore, peoples daily Weibo commented on him as follows: at the age of 84,Zhong Nanshanhas academicians specialty, warriors bravery and national scholars responsibility.All the wayto work tirelessly, full of responsibility for the country and the people, its really impressive!
In this gray and silent holiday, the old man, like a lighthouse, shines on the hearts ofthousands of people, but also into the depths of my heart, so that my heart burns with theflame of hard work, never flinch, dare to climb.
Recently, we have met a persons name over and over again through TV and mobilephones.He is Zhong Nanshan, an 84 year old academician of the Chinese Academy ofengineering and a famous respiratory expert.
Zhong Nanshan is now a national idol. lt can be said that no one knows the old peoplefrom the age of 70 to 80 and the children from the age of several. In this special period ofepidemic spreading, academician Zhong Nanshan is the "Dinghaishenzhen needle" and hasbecome the most trusted person of the people.An academician of an engineering college, amedical expert, has miraculously 100% credibility.Because in everyones eyes, he representsintegrity, science and authority.
In the Spring Festival of 2020, regardless of his old age, he has been fighting
continuously in Guangzhou, Beijing and Wuhan. He reminded the public, " dont go to Wuhanwithout special circumstances." On the other hand, he boarded the high-speed railway toWuhan and rushed to the forefront of epidemic prevention!
The current epidemic is the result of virus variation.Bacterial patients, generally havespecific drug antibacterial treatment.But because the coronavirus is new, the first discovery,there is no specific drug. Of course, there is no specific medicine, nor can it be cured, whichrequires the clinicians very hard basic medical skills. When the epidemic comes, they shoulduse their own knowledge and medical skills to defeat it.
Zhong Nanshan once said that he will never forget the words of his middle schoolteacher: people should not live in reality, but also in ideal. If people dont have ideal, they wilsee the things around them very much, and they will be upset; but if they have ideal, even ifthey have unpleasant things around them, they will become very small compared with theirown aspirations. This sentence, Zhong Nanshan remembered for a lifetime, but also practicefor a lifetime.
We should learn scientific knowledge wel, which is not only beneficial to individuals, butalso to our country. In the future, no matter what career or thing to do in the future, if youwant to go far, you must have professional quality and professionalism, which can not beseparated from learning.We are the future of our country and the hope of our country.Everyman is responsible for the rise and fall of his country. lts a duty to study hard! l want to keepin mind to create and have a better China.