



The topic of today's speech is "away from drugs and cherish life"。

The international drug control day was set up in 1987. The purpose is to arouse the attention of all countries in the world on the drug problem。

We use the opportunity of speaking under the flag to publicize the problem of drug control and far away from drugs to our classmates. We hope that the students can recognize drugs, refuse drugs, stay away from drugs, care for the future and cherish life。

The drug is far away from me, and the drug control has nothing to do with me. The idea is wrong. Even if it is far away from drugs, the harm of drugs is always endangering everyone。

In the world, drugs are listed as the two major killers to endanger human existence. The harm of drugs can be summed up in a sentence:destroyingthemselves,destroyingfamilies and endangering society. Drugs also seriously harm young people's physical and mental health, causing juvenile delinquency and impeding the healthy growth of adolescents. This is a shocking figure. It is the bounden duty of teenagers to refuse drugs, stay away from drugs and participate in drug control。

Don't say that drugs are far away from you. Maybe drugs will come to you in acasualway, so we must be vigilant at all times. Most drug addicts come from drug traffickers for the first time, and teenagers are the target of their successful marketing of drugs to narcotics who are constantly looking at the target。

Teenagers are in the period of physiological and psychological growth andmutation.They are vulnerable to drug abuse when they are empty, boring, depressed and frustrated. Young people are the most beautiful years of life. They are the starting point of life. We should cherish life, keep away from drugs and fight against drugs.



国际禁毒日,国际禁毒日是1987 年确定的,目的是为了引起世界各国对毒品问题的重视。



毒品在全世界泛滥成灾和战争一起被列为危及人类生存的两大杀手,它的危害可以用一句话概括: 毁灭自己、破坏家庭、危害社会,毒品也严重危害青少年身心健康,引发青少年违法犯罪,阻碍青少年健康成长,这是一个触目惊心的数字。拒绝毒品、远离毒品、参与禁毒是青少年义不容辞的责任。


