

Emotion and communication
A person living in the world, in addition to the basic necessities of life indispensable material needs, there are more important emotional needs. This kind of emotional needs only between people and people in social interaction, communication can be satisfied.
In recent years, his wife returned to Beijing Shanghai disease, sometimes cure, living in her domestic disease. I was alone in the Xinjiang work, life, home water, electricity and gas facilities, clothing and living to worry about, basically living security. However, I always feel empty, the lack of what. In fact, in the final analysis is the lack of emotional life.
Past and his wife and daughter together life did not perceive it. Now I understand, if there is no emotional life, a life is like the Gobi desert grass, in the rubble of a fish, difficult for normal happiness to live. Therefore, it can be said that emotion is life. Only material life and emotional life are rich and colorful life, is a real, meaningful and valuable life.
Life can not be separated from the emotional, emotional and can not be separated from the communication. The emotional needs of people can only be obtained through the interaction and communication between people. In that lonely, lonely days, I do not like holidays, would rather go to work every day. Because when you go to work with the office of colleagues, friends work together, take the time to talk about the heart, chat, emotional needs to meet, enrich the meaning of life.
Holidays alone at home, even a person who does not speak, and do not love to go out to play, had to close in the house reading, writing, which is also considered a spiritual sustenance bar. Sometimes, his wife or daughter phoned, I am very happy, no matter what, just ask each other the physical and living status. Just a few minutes on the phone, so I can meet the emotional needs, make me happy all day.
In contemporary society, fierce competition, the quickening pace of life, people to make a living, had morning to evening, busy, exhausted, rarely take into account the emotional needs of others and their own. The interaction between people is often only for money, and go for profit, rarely sit together to chat to talk, communicate. With the passage of time, between family members, relatives, friends, colleagues feeling more and more indifferent, gap, the gap is more and more deep, more and more alienated relationship, even for some trivial small taidongganhuo, hurt each other.
Emotional communication need love and patience and mutual respect, trust and understanding and sincerely respect and trust others, love and help others. Only in this way, people can really achieve between and spiritual communication, each other to meet the emotional needs, life will be happy, life makes sense.








第1个回答  2016-11-27
but as long as your aerials are up, to