出国问题,按题号回答一下,好的话,给高分哦 请回答详细一点,如果你还有什么补充的,也一起告诉我吧~谢


2011/1/28 (周五) 11:26:04 下午Clemson University - International Services (accepted, need financials)
发件人: Talia Corley <[email protected]>查看联系人
收件人: Talia Corley <[email protected]>


Dear student:

Congratulations on your acceptance to Clemson University! You will be notified by your academic department if an assistantship is awarded. However, the number of instructional and research assistantships is limited. Selection of graduate assistantship recipients as well as notification of the appointment, duration, and amount is the responsibility of your academic department. For questions regarding assistantships, please contact your department directly. Undergraduates are generally not eligible for assistantships.

At the present time, we cannot issue a Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) because we have not received the necessary financial documents to show you have access to adequate funds for a minimum of one year of studies. Please complete and return Form IS-50, Financial Certification (see hyperlink) as soon as you know the sources of your funding. Please include bank statements and sponsor(s) information as applicable.

If you cannot enroll in the term entered above and you would like to enroll in a later semester, you must request a deferral of your admission date from your academic department. Acceptance of an application may be valid for one year from your original anticipated starting date. Departmental approval is required for deferred admission. Academic departments reserve the right to deny deferred admission due to lack of space and/or resources.

1 是录取,但是没有奖学金。信中建议你直接联系学院,问是否愿意给你TA或RA的工作,以换取一部分奖学金。因为你没有奖学金,学校需要你提供财产证明,证明你有能力在没有奖学金的情况下至少有足够的在国外完成一年学业所需的学费生活费等。提供财产证明后,它才能为你办理I20签证手续。否则,即使在被录取的情况下,没有资金保证,他没有办法办理I20


3 信中建议直接联系学院争取TA、RA。如果确定要去,我建议要快点行动,也可以尝试联系教授试试

4 你发邮件确认接收offer后,它会给你邮寄材料的
