

"brought"的发音是 /brɔːt/。其中,/br/ 读作浊辅音 b 和清辅音 r 的组合音,/ɔː/ 读作半开元音 o 和长音符号的组合音,/t/ 读作清辅音 t。


1. bring about: 引起、导致

例如:The new policy will bring about significant changes in the industry.(新政策将引起行业的重大变化。)

2. bring up: 抚养、提出

例如:She brought up three children on her own.(她独自抚养了三个孩子。)

例如:He brought up the idea of a company retreat during the meeting.(他在会议上提出了公司旅游的想法。)

3. bring down: 减少、打倒

例如:The government is trying to bring down the unemployment rate.(政府正试图降低失业率。)

例如:The opposition party is trying to bring down the ruling party.(反对党试图推翻执政党。)

4. bring in: 引进、带来收入

例如:The company plans to bring in new technology from overseas.(公司计划引进海外的新技术。)

例如:The new product line is expected to bring in significant revenue for the company.(新产品线预计为公司带来重要的收入。)

5. bring out: 发布、表现

例如:The company is bringing out a new line of products next month.(公司下个月将发布一系列新产品。)

例如:Her performance in the play really brought out her acting skills.(她在剧中的表演真正展现了她的演技。)
