

一、it.up.high.goes.very(.)组成句子如下:It goes up very high

1. go about从事,干……
The villagers were going about their business as usual.

2. go + adj (go 通常表示不好的变化)例如:go bad, go wrong, go mad, etc.
Alice’s face went red with anger. 爱丽丝的脸都气红了。

3. go after追逐,追求

We’re both going after the same job. 我们俩都在谋求同一份工作。
4. go against违反;不利于
The contest is going against the blue team. 比赛对蓝队越来越不利了。

5. go ahead走在前面,前进;进行,进展;干吧,说吧
He went ahead with the work and got it done. 他继续工作并把它做完。
6. go around/round 四处走动;绕道走;(病,消息等)流传

The infection went around the whole city. 这种传染病传遍了全市。

7. go away走开;离开;离家外出
I’ll go away for a holiday. 我将外出度假。

8. go back回去;追溯;回忆起
My mind went back to the year 1978. 我又忆起了1978年的往事。

9. go by过去;走过
As time went by, I was made smaller. 随着岁月的流逝,我被做得越来越小。
A car went by. 一辆小汽车过去了。
10. go on doing , go on to do , go on with
1). go on doing sth .指继续做同一件事。如:
After a short rest, they went on working . 短暂休息之后,他们继续工作。
2). go on with sth . 指继续同一件事,此时 with 后能接名词,代词,不能跟ing 形式。如:
After a short rest, they went on with the work . 短暂休息之年,他们继续那项工作。
3). go on to do sth . 指做完一件事后接着做另外一件事。如:
After finishing the words , they went on to go over the text.结束单词后,他们接着通课文。
11. go through 浏览;经历;历经

The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家已经历了太多的战争。

The plan must go through several stages. 这个计划必须经历几个过程。
拓展:go through with完成------ He hasn't gone through with his composition yet. 他还没写完作文。
12. go with 与……相配;适合
I'd like a pair of shoes to go with my trousers.我想要一双和我的裤子相配的鞋。
13. go/do without 该短语表示"没有…将就着也行"。without既是介词也是副词,亦即带不带宾语都行。
We have no map but we can do without. 我们没有地图也行。

14. "go+ V-ing"表示"去干某事",多指从事与体育、娱乐有关的活动
go fishing 去钓鱼 go riding去骑马 go boating 去划船 go climbing去登山
go swimming去游泳 go shooting去射击 go walking 去散步 go hunting去打猎
go shopping去买东西 go cycling去骑车 go dancing去跳舞 go camping 去露营
"go+ V-ing" 还可以表示从事某种职业:go farming务农 go nursing当护士
第1个回答  2015-04-22
it goes up very high.
第2个回答  2015-10-26
it goes up very high

it 属于第三人称,go要加es, go up后加修饰very high
第3个回答  2015-10-19
It goes up very high.