hamburger,burger,cheese burgers,sandwish.


cheese burger是加了芝士的汉堡。因为在国外有的人吃汉堡会特别提出cheese or no cheese,是可以选择的。
第1个回答  2007-03-22
Hamburger is a kind of fast food you can find at McDonalds, Burger King or any other fast food restaurants. They have a piece of ground beef grilled and sandwiched with two pieces of soft burger bread. are prepared ready for consumption. Burger sometimes is used as short form of hamburger, but sometimes burger is used to refer to meat part of hamburger. Cheese burger means a hamburger topped with a slice of cheese. Sandwich is not made of ground beef. It can be made of any other materials, but mostly it is made of sandwich meat, such as turkey, ham, beef, cheese, and vegies. It can also be hot cooked meat or vegies. Remember they are not made of grilled ground beef.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-03-22
sandwich 是中间夹了东西的,hamburger 就没有啊,这是我知道的一点区别.