

Camellia drilled in a corner. A cold, dark, damp, no sunny corner, erosion is its nourishment. However, the camellia than other camellia, and any other kind of flower of beautiful, beautiful and refined, stunning, beautiful delude one to folly. But all sunshine flowers is yearning. Effort, a little more effort, in Camellia touched sunlight that in a moment, in it due to the sun moist and tender moment, the ruthless wind broken flowers, so it fell to the cold corner, unable to climb up again, then to touch that reach the sun. God is merciful, in order to make up for it's fate is unfair, don't let it fade away after death, but keep it a beautiful world left.

Margaret's tragic love story is like this. A young woman in a dissolute life without purpose to find true love, therefore gave up his be accustomed to large material comforts, gave up everything to make himself temporarily happy rotten habits and customs, just for the sake of love and stay together. Want to crawl out from sunken mire middle, be to need to spend very big physical strength and determination, but also make the minimum by mud water pollution. Margaret has done, and done very well. But such huge pay, in exchange for the people are still does not understand and crowding, and selfish people about. Huge resistance finally made Margaret and love, misunderstanding makes love to his most when she needs comfort, this is how painful? Perhaps really only death can save her. Yes, Margaret is dead, die alone, no more alive when the luxury, previously countless lovers also forget her. His life is more sensational, died when the more it is lonely.

Maybe, Margaret is not a complete tragedy character, at least, she got a true, her soul is purified. Lady : they only saw her life of luxury and material enjoyment, but she did not know the noble sentiments and their match. Strange capitalist society people, I despise libertine prostitute, while working. If Margaret did not live in such a dirty, false, ruthless capitalist times, maybe she is the virgin Maria. Unfortunately, such a society, that era, even the virgin will be defiled. While Margaret has been defiled shell, tenacious and holy soul is crying cause of readers.

Thank Dumas created the lady of the camellias such a sad but honorable beautiful woman. However, I hope that the dead flowers in bud once again from the earth, was reborn, away from the dark corner, can every day and the sun as partners, even if no longer so beautiful, also don't repeat the past tragedy.
第1个回答  2012-02-04
Margaret is a snow lotus in full bloom in the dark, white, flawless, reveals a bright, but this light was so weak, drift involving vague. Or darkness, such a powerful force devouring, she is also a bow appearance was stripped eat nothing left, while the heart is sturdy, and holy. But in order to able to shot farther and more accurately, she is constantly collapsing tired themselves, until they were destroyed exterminate.