
what can we college students do to live a low carbon life

不定式有两种形式:一是带to的不定式(to-infinitive),一是不带to的不定式(bare infinitive)。后者的一般式主动语态,即通常所谓的动词原形。



(1)He was too clever a man to be bluffed. 他是个很灵的人,不会为虚张声势所吓倒。(有语态的变化)

(2)The film star Ann Wilson is the 34th actress to play this part on the London stage. 影星安•威尔逊是伦敦舞台上扮演这个角色的第34个女演员。(有宾语)


(3)To be content with little is true happiness. 知足长乐。(用作主语)

(4)The man, without fuss, agreed to serve as witness. 这个人没有异议,同意作证人。(用作宾语)


(1)To see is to believe. 百闻不如一见。

(2)To err is human, to forgive , divine. 犯错误是人之常情,宽恕是超凡的。


(3)It always pays to tell the truth. 说实话总是不吃亏的。

(4)It’s been a pleasure to be able to help you. 能够帮助你是一种荣幸。


(5)The duties of a postman are to deliver letters and newspapers. 邮递员的任务就是投递信与报纸。

(6)My chief purpose has been to point out the difficulties of the matter. 我的主要意图是指出这个问题的困难所在。

(7)The important thing is to save lives. 救人要紧。


(8)They demanded to be shown the authentic documents. 他们要求出示真实可靠的文件。

(9)Mr. Chairman, I beg to move that the meeting be adjourned. 主席先生,我提议休会。


①She found it difficult to answer the question. 她发现回答这个问题很困难。

②He feels it his duty to help others. 他认为帮助别人是他的责任。


(10)I am very glad to see you. 我见到您很高兴。

(11)We are sorry to leave. 我们真不愿离去。

(12)He is sure to come. 他一定会来的。



(13)Volleyball is very interesting to watch. 打排球看起来很有意思。

(14)She’s very nice to talk to. 和她谈话是愉快的。

(15)This problem is difficult to solve. 这个问题难解决。


(16)The next train to arrive was from New York. 下一列到站的火车是从纽约开来的。

(17)All dead. I was the only one to grow up. 都死了。我是惟一成活的。

(18)He was always the first to come and last to leave the office. 他总是第一个到办公室,最后一个离开。(first与last之后省去person了)


(19)It was a game to remember. 那是一场令人难忘的球赛。

(20)He has too many things to do. 他要做的事太多了。

(21)I have nothing to say on this question. 在这个问题上,我没有什么话要说。


(22)I need a pen to write with. 我需要一支笔写字。

(23)Give me some paper to write on. 给我一些纸写字。

(24)There are some things to be grateful for. 有一些事应该为之表示感激。


(25)His wish to visit China is quite understandable. 他访问中国的愿望是完全可以理解的。(名词wish与常后接不定式的动词wish同源)

(26)Her decision to be a pianist is final. 她对要做一个钢琴家已下了最后的决心。(decision与常后接不定式的动词decide同源)


(27)He is reputed for his ability to speak four languages. 他以能讲4国语言而闻名。(ability与常后接不定式的形容词able同源)

(28)The child was all eagerness to go on the picnic. 这孩子对去野餐非常心切。(eagerness与常后接不定式的形容词eager同源)


(29)He gave the order to start the attack. 他发出了开始进攻的命令。(to start 与order同位)

(30)He followed the instruction to walk along a certain street where I picked him up. 他照吩咐沿某一条街走,我在那里搭他上车。


①The enemy came close to the town and the order came to evacuate the people. 敌人离城近了,于是发出了疏散市民的命令。(to evacuate the people置于动词came之后,这显然是因为使句子平衡的原故)

②China’s first boxing training centre has been set up in Guangzhou aimed at bringing on an upsurge in this yet to be systemized event. 中国第一个拳击训练中心已在广州成立,其目的是要在这尚无组织的运动项目上掀起一个热潮。(yet to be systemized置于名词event之前)



(31)I stayed there to see what would happen. 我留在那里看看会发生什么事。

(32)He will go to clinic tomorrow to be examined by the doctor. 他明天去诊所让大夫检查。

(33)Here, visitors were halted to have papers examined. 来人在这里留步以检查证件。

在强调这种目的状语时,不定式前可加in order或so as。如:

(34)Many farmers fertilize their crops in order to make them grow more quickly. 许多农民给庄稼施肥,为的是让庄稼长得更快些。

(35)I’ll writs down his telephone number so as not to forget it. 我要把他的电话号码写下来,以备不忘。

在强调或突出这种目的状语时,也可将不定式或in order加不定式置于句首(so as较少置于句首)。如:

(36)In order to make a study of the kangaroo, he came to Australia. 为了研究袋鼠,他来到了澳洲。

(37)To conceal my emotion, I buried my face in my hands. 为了掩盖我的激动情绪,我用手捂着脸。


(38)He lived to be a very old man. 他活得很长。

(39)In 1935 he left home never to return. 1935年,他离开家再也没有回来。

(40)What have I done to offend you? 我干什么惹你生气了?

请注意下列句子中的so…as to…,such…as to…,enough to…,only to…以及too…to等结构中的不定式皆表结果:

(41)The house is so high and narrow as to resemble a tower. 这房子又高又狭,像一座塔。

(42)His indifference is such as to make one despair. 他如此冷淡,令人感到绝望。

(43)He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet. 他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。

(44)He has money enough to spare.他有多余的钱 (来自He has money to spare,亦常说We have enough (plenty) to spare.)

(45)The tea it too hot to drink. 茶太热,不能喝。


①I’m only too glad to stay at home. 我太想留在家里啦。(too 修饰glad to stay at home)

②I’m just too anxious to help you. 我正是想帮助你哩。(too 修饰anxious to help you)

③You are too ready to find faults in other people. 你就爱找别人的岔儿。(too 修饰ready to find …people)


④I had too much to drink. 我喝多了。

⑤You have too much to say. 你真多嘴。


(46)I trembled to think of it. 我一想到那件事就不寒而粟。(亦可看作时间状语)

(47)She wept to see him in such a terrible state. 她看到他这种可怕的样子就哭了。(亦可看作时间状语)

(48)Mary, hang the idiot to bring me such stuff! 玛丽,这该死的蠢货,竟给我带来了这些货色。


(49)You couldn’t do that to save your life. 你即使为了救自己的命也不能那样做。(表让步)

(50)To look at him you could hardly help laughing. 看到他就会忍不住笑起来。(表条件)


(51)To begin with, I do not like its colour. 首先,我不喜欢它的颜色。

(52)To tell the truth, the film was a great disappointment to me. 说实在的,那影片使我大为失望。

(53)To make a long story short, we agreed to disagree. 长话短说,我们同意各自保留不同的看法。

(54)How time flies, to be sure! 时光真是过得快啊!

(55)The dog is, so to speak, a member of the family. 那狗可以说是家庭的一员了。

除上述例句中用作独立成分的不一定式短语外,还有to be brief(简言之)、to be exact(精确地说)、to be frank with you(老实对你说吧)、to do him justice(说句对他公道的话)、to crown all[更为好(坏)的是]、to say nothing of(姑且不讲)、to conclude(总而言之)等。


(56)What decided him to give up his job? 是什么决定他放弃工作的?(to give up是宾语him的补语)

(57)I’ll leave you be attend the matter. 我将托你照管此事。(be attend是宾语you的补语)

(58)We would like you to have an opportunity to appreciate Chinese art. 我们想给你们一个欣赏中国艺术的机会。(to have是宾语you的补语)

有些动词后面的宾语补语常是to be,这样的动词有believe,consider,declare,find,imagine,know,prove,suppose,feel,think,understand等。如:

(59)I know this to be a fact. 我知道这是事实。

(60)They all felt the plan to be unwise. 他们都觉得那个计划是不明智的。

(61)We believe her to be innocent. 我们相信他无罪。

[注] 宾语补语to be在believe,consider,declare,find,prove,think,imagine等之后常可省去,如上述两句即可变为:

①We believe her innocent.

②I consider him too lazy.

在上述动词的被动结构中,后面的to be亦可省去。如:

③She was believed innocent.

④He was considered too lazy.

有一些动词后用作宾语补语的不定式通常不带to。这种动词有两类:一类是感觉动词(perceptional verb),如feel,see,hear,watch,notice等。如:

(62)I saw him come. 我看见他来了。

(63)I heard him sing. 我听见他唱歌了。

(64)We felt the house shake. 我们感到房子摇动。

另一类是某些使役动词(causative verb),如make,let,have等。如:

(65)Let him do it. 让他做吧。

(66)I would have you know that I am ill. 我想要你知道我病了。

(67)They made the boy go to bed early. 他们强迫那男孩早睡。


①He was seen to come.

②The boy was made to go to bed early.


(68)He was surprised to find the sheep (to) break fence at this season. 他发现羊在此季节越出羊栏,感到惊讶。

(69)Help me (to) get him to bed. 帮我把他弄上床睡觉。


(70)I never knew anything make such a difference! 我从不知道有什么事会产生如此大的影响!

(71)I have never known a man die of love, but I have known a disappointed lover lose weight. 我从不知有人死于爱情,但我知道有失恋者消瘦下去。


(72)The room was found to be empty. 那个房间被发现是空的。(to be是主语补语)

(73)The young man was considered to have great promise. 这个青年被认为大有前途。(to have是主语补语)

(74)He is said to be from New Zealand. 据说他是新西兰人。(to be是主语补语)


(75)Oh, to be in English now that April’s there! 啊,能回到现已是4月的英国该多好啊!

(76)You people! To think we have to support your kind with taxes. 你们这些人!想想看,我们竟然必须纳税养活你们这一帮人。

(77)And to imagine for a moment he’d ever come here to visit! 想一想看,他竟会有一天到这里访问!
第1个回答  2019-09-13

What can we college students do in order to live a low carbon life?
第2个回答  2019-09-13
第3个回答  2019-09-13