

1 Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important traditional festival and a public holiday in China,it's a time for families to be together and reunion dinner is held on New Year's Eve, when New Year food including Chinese dumplings and spring rolls is eaten.
2. During the Spring Festival, every family is busy cleaning house in the hope of getting rid of defilements and preventing diseases. Also, they need to paste door-god, spring festival couplets, and the reversed Chinese character "福" (means blessing),and hang flags in the hope of praying for auspiciousness in the New Year. On the New Year's Eve, every family enjoys a grand dinner, shoots off firecrackers, plays dragon dance and lion dance, and stays up late or all night. People will pay a New Year call to one another from the first day, and it is not until the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, namely, the Lantern Festival, that the Spring Festival is ended..

