
1.Is this your handbag?
3.Thank you very much.
4.Give me my coat.
5.This is his car.
6.What is your job?
7.What is your mother's job?
8.Whose shirt is that?
9.Is this shirt Tim's?
10.Whose are these chairs?
11.Are these their cases?
12.This is Tom and this is Ben.
13.This is my mother and father.
14.Give him this hat.
15.Give those glasses to Kitty.
16.There is a bottle on the desk.
17.What is your favourite colour?
18.Where do you come from?
19.Where is he from?
20.What is the weather like?
21.It rains every day.
22.Tom usually does his homework with Sam.
23.Kally and Ann drink tea together.
24.What time is it?
25.What is its time?

1.Is this your handbag? Is this handbag yours?
2.Pardon? Sorry, what did you say?
3.Thank you very much. Thanks a lot.
4.Give me my coat. Give my coat to me.
5.This is his car. The car is his.
6.What is your job? what job do you do?
7.What is your mother's job? what job does your mother do?
8.Whose shirt is that? Whom does this shirt belong to?
9.Is this shirt Tim's? Is this Tim's shirt?
10.Whose are these chairs? Whom do these chairs belong to?
11.Are these their cases? These are their cases, right?
12.This is Tom and this is Ben. This Tom and Ben.
13.This is my mother and father. This is my mother and this is my father.
14.Give him this hat. Give this hat to him.
15.Give those glasses to Kitty. Give Kitty those glasses.
16.There is a bottle on the desk. On the desk there is a bottle.
17.What is your favourite colour? what colour do you like most?
18.Where do you come from? Where are you from?
19.Where is he from? Where does he come from?
20.What is the weather like? How is the weather?
21.It rains every day. Everyday is rainy day.
22.Tom usually does his homework with Sam. Tom and Sam usually do their homework together.
23.Kally and Ann drink tea together. Kally drink tea with Ann.
24.What time is it? what's the time?
25.What is its time? What's time is it?
第1个回答  2012-01-31
1.Is this your handbag? Is this handbag yours?
2.Pardon? Can you say it again?
3.Thank you very much. Thanks a lot.
4.Give me my coat. Give my coat to me.
5.This is his car. The car is his.
6.What is your job? what do you do?
7.What is your mother's job? what does your mother do?
8.Whose shirt is that? Whose is that shirt? / Who 或Whom does that shirt
belong to?
9.Is this shirt Tim's? Is this Tim's shirt? / Does this shirt belong to Tim?
10.Whose are these chairs? Whose chairs are these? / Who或Whom do these
chairs belong to?
11.Are these their cases? Are these cases theirs? / Do these cases belong to
12.This is Tom and this is Ben. They are Tom and Ben.
13.This is my mother and father. They are my parents.
14.Give him this hat. Give this hat to him.
15.Give those glasses to Kitty. Give Kitty those glasses.
16.There is a bottle on the desk. A bottle is on the desk.
17.What is your favourite colour? What colour do you like best?
18.Where do you come from? Where are you from?
19.Where is he from? Where does he come from?
20.What is the weather like? How is the weather?
21.It rains every day. It is rainy every day.
22.Tom usually does his homework with Sam.
Tom and Sam usually do their homework together.
23.Kally and Ann drink tea together. Kally drinks tea with Ann.
24.What time is it? What's the time?
25.What is its time? 没见有人这么用过。本回答被网友采纳