

今天,我走在马路边,突然,有一片香蕉皮从居民楼掉下来,差点儿掉在我的头上。 Today, I walk in the street, suddenly, have a banana skin and fall from the dweller building, almost fell on my head. 于是我心里想着:现在的人类怎么就这样没有环保意识呢? So I'm thinking about: now how the human so do not have the environmental protection consciousness 这时我突然想去未来世界看看。 I suddenly wanted to go to the future of the world to see. 我来到了二十年后的世间。 I came to after 20 years in the world. 啊! !!!!! 我来到这儿,映入眼帘的就是一幅美丽的画卷:亭台楼阁,假山怪石,映在青松翠柏之中; I come here, view is a beautiful picture scroll: the pavilions, rockery peak, reflected in the ching cyproess and winding mountains; 花坛盆景,藤萝翠竹,点缀在其间。 The flower beds miniascape, luo bamboo, ornament in it. 我真的不相信眼前的这一切这还是人间吗? I really don't believe everything in front of this or earth 简直就是天堂。 It is paradise. 接着,我到了一家高科技公司。 Then, I came to a high-tech company. 这里好大好有气派啊! Here there is air good big very!!!!! 四周紫红的柱子上雕刻着尊贵的龙凤,栩栩如生,仿佛它们正在欢乐地飞腾跳舞; All round the post of the red dragon carved with honor, lifelike, as if they are dancing with joy fit; 抬头一看,金黄的琉璃瓦在阳光下闪耀的光芒。 He looked up, the golden glass tiles sparkled in the sun light. 再一看工作人员,竟是几个机器人。 Then a see staff, unexpectedly is a few robot. 哦,原来是工作人员把机器人调整好并让它按程序办事,而真正的工作人员只需要在旁边观测它们的动作是否正确。 Oh, it is to adjust the robot staff and let it work according to the program, and the real work personnel only need to see them beside them correctly. 我仔细一看,机器人正在进行一种试验,它们用一种微小的东西放在耳边,就可以听见自己想听见的声音。 I carefully a look, robot is a test, they use a kind of tiny things on the ear, can hear his voice want to hear. 最后,我来到公园。 Finally, I come to the park. 在金色的阳光下,公园显得更加色彩斑斓,优雅怡人。 In the golden sun, the park looks more colorful, elegant and pleasant. 园内,奇石累累,小路幽幽…… Park, stone is numerous, path faint... 这山光水色,鸟语花香,把整个公园打扮得如人间仙境一般。 The green mountains, niaoyuhuaxiang, put the whole park dressed up as the world average. 好了,我们就“旅游”到这吧。 Well, we "tourist" here. 我坐着时光飞机回到了二十年前,让我不免有些不太适应。 I sit and time the plane returned to twenty years ago, let me not some not too orientation. 不过,我相信在不久的将来,那一切都会变成现实。 However, I believe in the near future, that it will be a reality. 让我们向着那个目标努力吧! Let us towards that goal! 满意请采纳 谢谢

