
State management, market and price regulation have been tuned to meet the requirements of movement and development of trade. The control and regulation of key commodities have made progress, preventing adverse effects of world market prices on the domestic market.
The tourism sector has shown a quite rapid advance. The number of foreign tourists to Vietnam has increased from 2.1 million people in 2000 to 3.47 million in 2005, which meets the set objective. Domestic tourism has been paid more attention. The number of domestic tourists rises from 11.2 million in 2000 to 15 million in 2005. Tourism market has been widening. The forms of tourism have strongly diversified with richer and more attractive tourism products to exploit tourism potentials. Tourism turnover has increased dramatically, which helps create jobs, reduce poverty, eliminate hunger and shift economic structure. Tourism infrastructure and legal environment for tourism activities have been improved. The link among tourism, transportation and other industries has been promoted, creating solid premises for tourism development in the period from 2006 to 2010.
The transport sector has continuously developed, basically satisfying requirements on goods circulation and people’s travels, with various means of transport and convenient modes. Its infrastructure facilities and transport quality have remarkably risen. The volume of goods circulation increases by about 9.78% on the average while the volume of passenger traffic increases by 10.61% per annum. The annual volume of goods throughput via seaports increases by 9.8%.
The sector of postal services and telecommunications has rapidly developed; the network of telecommunications has been modernized. In five years (2001-2005), 12.56 million new telephones were installed. It is estimated that by the end of 2005, Most of communes have had commune cultural post offices, and there were 2.89 million Internet subscribers, i.e. an
average rate of 3.2 subcribers/100 people. The sector's total turnover has increased at an annual average rate of 19.9%/year.

邮政服务的行业得到了迅速的发展和电信;电讯网络已经现代化。在5年(2001-2005),1256万个新电话装置。 据估计,到2005年底,大多数公社有公社文化邮局,有289万互联网用户,即一个
平均水平3.2 subcribers / 100
第1个回答  2011-08-21
国家管理、市场和价格调控调整了符合要求的运动和发展贸易。控制与调节的关键商品有进步,防止不良影响的世界市场价格在国内市场。  旅游企业显示了一个相当快速的进步。外国旅游者的数量,越南已经从210万增加人在2000年到347万年的2005,符合既定目标。国内旅游已受到普遍关注。国内游客的数量从1120万年的2000上升到1500万年的2005人。旅游市场已经扩大。旅游的形式多样化和更丰富、更强烈的迷人的旅游产品,开拓旅游的潜力。旅游营业额急剧增加,这有助于创造就业机会、减少贫困,消除饥饿和改变经济结构。
第2个回答  2011-08-21