用英语短语‘与某人聊Chat with’ ‘对。。有耐心be patient with sb ’ '造句


1.I like to chat with my friends.我喜欢和我的朋友聊天
I want to chit with you.我想和你聊聊
2.My teacher is patient with us very much.我的老师对我们很有耐心
Please be patient with your children.请对你的孩子耐心一些
第1个回答  2011-09-10
I am chatting with my classmate on the Internet.我正和我的同学在网上聊天呢
Be patient with your study. 对你的学习有点耐心
第2个回答  2011-09-10
To figure this problem out,you‘d better have a chat with John first.

Teachers should always be patient with their students。