

给你支招 上淘宝 帮做暑假作业
第1个回答  2011-08-24
第2个回答  2011-08-24
I am going to graduate from elementary school in July. That means, I am going to go to junior high school! I am so excited about learning new things and meeting new friends.
Of course, In order to get good grades in the new school, I make a study plan for myself. Here it is: First, I will get up before six o'clock every morning and spend at least half an hour to read my English books and Chinese books. Second, I will do my homework after school every day and try my best to be on time. Third, I will review all the subjects that I learnt that day before I go to bed. Last, not only do the review job, I will also preview the textbbok before next class.
I am sure, I will get a good grade and learn more by doing this.

我就要从小学毕业了, 也就说, 我要上初中了! 对於未来能学到许多新事物和交到更多新朋友, 我真的好兴奋啊.
当然, 为了在新的学校也能有好的成绩, 我制订了一个学习计划, 是这样的:
首先, 每天早上6点之前就要起床, 至少读半小时的英文或中文.
第二, 每天放学後就做作业并按时交作业.
第三, 每天上床睡觉前, 将当天学过的所有科目复习一遍.
最後, 在下一堂课之前先预习要上的内容.
我相信这麼做的话, 我一定可以拿到好成绩.