

1 Section A, 1b Boy 1: Hey, Gang. There's a big test on Tuesday. I really need some help. Can you tell me how you study for a big test? Voices: Sure! Yes. Sure we will. Boy 1: You did really well on the last English test, didn't you, Mei? Mei: Yeah, I did OK. Boy 1: Well, how did you study? Mei: By making flashcards. Boy 1: Maybe I'll try that. How did you study, Pierre? Pierre: By asking the teacher for help. She was really happy I asked. Boy 1: That's interesting. How do you study, Antonio? Antonio: I like to study by listening to tapes. But sometimes my mother thinks I'm listening to music. And then she gets mad. Boy 1: Oh, well ...


2a,2b Girl 1: Welcome to the English club. Today we're going to talk about the best ways to learn English. Who has an idea? Boy 1: Do you learn English by watching English-language videos? Girl 2: No. It's too hard to understand the voices. Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English? Do you learn English that way? Girl 2: I think so. It helps to write English every day. Girl 3: Have you ever studied with a group? Girl 2: Yes, I have! I've learned a lot that way. Girl 1: Do you ever practice conversations with friends? Girl 2: Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills. Boy 1: What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? Girl 3: I do that sometimes. I think it helps. Boy 2: I do too. And I always look up new words in a dictionary. Girl 3: That's a great idea!


Section B, 2a, 2b Ms Mitchell: You look worried, Paul. Paul: I am, Ms Mitchell. I'm having trouble learning English. Ms Mitchell: You said you liked English. What's the problem? Paul: I can't get the pronunciation right. Ms Mitchell: Well, listening can help. Why don't you borrow the teacher's tapes? You can listen to them at home and repeat sentences that are difficult for you. Paul: That's a good idea. But what about all the new words? I forget a lot of new words. Ms Mitchell: You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home. You can even study in the train on the way to school. Paul: That might really help! Thanks. Ms Mitchell: Can you understand when people talk to you? Paul: Well, no. Not always. Sometimes I just don't understand what people are saying. Ms Mitchell: Why don't you join an English language club to practice speaking English? The English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Paul: Maybe I'll go. The only other problem I have is that I don't get much writing practice. Ms Mitchell: Maybe you should find a pen pal. Paul: That sounds like a fun way to practice writing. Thanks, Ms Mitchell.


第1个回答  2011-09-09
我一直看着。和l yp生词的字典
第2个回答  2011-09-08
第3个回答  2011-09-07
welcome to the english club today we're going to talk about the best ways to learn english who has an idea?
do you learn english by watching english language videos.
no lt;s too hard to understand the voices
what about keeping a diary in english? do you learn english that way ?
l think so, lt helps to write english every day
have you ever practice conversations with friends
oh, yes lt improves my speaking skills
what about reading aloud to practice pronunciation
l do that sometimes l think it helps
l do too and l always look yp new words in a dictionary
that's a great idea.
第4个回答  2011-09-06
人民教育出版社 九年级上册英语听力,P128页Section A, 1b ,2a ,2b 翻译 快啊 知道的 说说啊 谢谢了