英语choose是什么意思啊?拜托各位了 3Q


现代英汉综合大辞典 choose vt. (chose [tFEuz]; chosen) 挑选, 选择[定] 宁愿 [后跟不定式]决定, 下决心; 愿意, 宁愿 choose three from [among, out of] these books 从这些书中选三本书 C-me a good hoe. 替我选一把好锄头。 He would choose death before surrender. 他宁死也不投降。 He chooses to look into the matter till the truth is out. 他决定调查那件事直至真相大白。 Your father chose to leave me your guardian. 你父亲遗命托我为你的监护人。 习惯用语 as you choose 随你喜欢; 听你的便 cannot choose but 不得不,只好 Let's choose up to see ... 看是选定...呢, 究竟是让...呢 nothing(或 not much) to choose between 两者不相上下, 没有什么好挑的 pick and choose 挑挑拣拣, 挑剔, 仔细挑选 choose up [口](临时性非正式比赛中)选定对阵双方的球员; 把人分成两队进行比赛[游戏] 参考词汇 choose select pick prefer 都含“挑选”、“ 选择”的意思。 choose 系常用词, 指“一般的选择”, 侧重“凭个人意志或判断进行选择”, 如: Leave it to you to choose between the two methods. 任你在这两种方法中作出抉择。 select 强调“在广泛的范围内精选、淘汰”, 侧重“以客观为标准进行选择”, 如: They're selecting maize seeds. 他们在选玉米种。 pick 强调“从个人角度在众多中进行挑选”, 有时含有“任意选择”的意思, 如: pick one's words 选词。 prefer指“偏爱”、“更喜欢”, 有时“只表示自己的看法, 不一定加以选择”, 如: I prefer tea to coffee. 我喜欢茶而不喜欢咖啡。 现代英汉词典choose vt., vi. chose, chosen, choosing 挑选;选择 Who did you choose as the new member of the construction committee? 你选谁当建设委员会的新委员? "After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant." "过了一会儿,她选定了店里最贵重的一件衣服,并把它递给一个店员。" She chose to study chemistry. 她选择了学化学。 Whom shall we choose for our school football teamleader? 我们选谁当学校足球队长。 决定;拿定主意 He chose not to go home. 他决定不回家了。 His uncle chose to settle in the countryside. 他叔父决意在乡下定居。 He chose not to go abroad until later. 他决定晚点出国。 简明英汉词典choose v. 选择, 选定
第1个回答  2014-04-28
choose:动词,选择 choice:名词,选择本回答被提问者采纳