

Ancient Greece
古希腊位于地中海东北部,除了现在的希腊半岛外,还包括爱琴海、马其顿、色雷斯、意大利半岛和小亚细亚等地。 Ancient Greece is located in the north-east of the Mediterranean, in addition to the existing Greek peninsula, but also including the Aegean, Macedonia, Thrace, Italy and the Asia Minor Peninsula and other places. 曲折的海岸线为希腊提供了天然良港,开放的地形使其更易接触埃及和东方的古老文明。 The twists and turns for the Greek coastline offers excellent natural harbor, an open terrain to make it easier to contact the East and Egypt's ancient civilization.
古希腊是西方文明的摇篮,最早的居民是来自西亚的皮拉斯基人,从公元前二千年开始,印欧的阿卡亚人分批进入希腊半岛,到公元前十二世纪,居民分成伊奥利亚人,爱奥尼亚人和多利亚人三大集团,原先的居民逐渐被他们同化. Ancient Greece was the cradle of Western civilization, the earliest inhabitants came from the West Pilasiji, from the beginning of 2000 BC, the Indo-European people Arcaya in batches into the Greek peninsula, to the twelfth century BC, residents Aeolian into, Ionia Dorians and the three major groups, the original inhabitants gradually assimilate them.
在公元前二十五世纪,这片土地诞生了欧洲最早的米诺斯文明及迈锡尼文明。 In the twenty-first century BC, the land of the birth of Europe as early as the Minoan civilization and the Mycenaean civilization. 公元前五、六世纪,形成了璀璨的希腊文明。 BC five or six centuries, formed a brilliant civilization of Greece.
进入奴隶社会的希腊半岛,建立了200多个奴隶制泛神论的城邦国家,其中最强大的是雅典和斯巴达。 Greek slave society into the peninsula, the establishment of slavery more than 200 city-state of pantheism, which is the most powerful Athens and Sparta.
奴隶制民主政治和神话传说为艺术的繁荣提供了精神资源, 使古希腊艺术呈现出一定的人本主义色彩。 Slavery and the myths and legends of democratic politics into an art and prosperity to the emotional resources to enable the art of ancient Greece has shown a certain degree of humanism color.
文化的交流使其具有发达的哲学、美学和严谨的科学,它的艺术法则为古罗马艺术乃至以后的整个欧洲艺术奠定了基础。 Cultural exchanges so that it has developed the philosophy, aesthetics and rigorous science, it is the art of ancient Rome as the law of the arts, and even beyond Europe as a whole laid the foundation for the arts.
希腊的酿酒业,榨油业,制陶业在地中海都居领先地位,造船业发达,能造三层高的快速远航船,在公元前七世纪时,很多工商业较为发达的城邦已经开始铸造货币了。 Greece's wine industry, the oil industry, the ceramics industry in the Mediterranean are leading, well-developed shipbuilding industry, to build a three-storey high fast boat voyage, in the seventh century BC, many of the more developed industrial and commercial city has already begun Casting the currency.