
单词拼写如1.When I was a child,i d_____of becoming a scientish..
每单元10题 一共30题

1.she had many good q____ despite her apparent rudeness.(qualities)
2.do you like my dress? please be h____(honest)
3.it was b___ of her to go into the burning building.(brave)
4.it was not very w___ of you to sell the property.(wise)
5.he stroke a m___ to light his cigarette.(match)
6.he stroke the nail into the table with a h___(hammer)
7. she can find no s___ to her financial troubles.(solution)
8.he is f___ of music.(fond)
9.of the six people in the plane that crashed,only one s___(survived)
10.i've h___ everywhere but i can not find it.(hunted)
1.go and wash your hands in the b____.(bathroom)
2.the landlady asked MR Brown to put his coat in the c___.(closet)
3.people p___ the word differently in this part of country.(pronounce)
4.her n___ language is German.(native)
5.the police c___ with each other by radio.(communicate)
6.the m___ of people seem to prefer TV to radio.(majority)
7.divide the cake into e___ parts.(equal)
8.the g___ welcomes the proposal.(government)
9.the country's economy is dependent on ___(旅游业).(tourism)
10.he r___ her statement word for word.(repeated)
1.i c___ that the driver is not to blame.(consider)
2.i m___ to call on you, but i was so busy.(meant)
3.before the statue could be t____ to the USA, a site had to be found for it.(transported)
4.don't i____ yourself to be always correct.(imagine)
5.i e___ great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.(experienced)
6.the library is closed during the college v___.(vacation)
7.farming on sush bad land is a struggle against n___.(nature)
8.life will seem very quiet after the e___ of our holiday.(excitements)
9.an officer must know how to h___ his men.(handle)
10.this medicine is p___ if taken in large quantities.(poisonous)