

Amanda Knox was born in Seattle(July 9, 1987), Washington, to Edda Mellas, a math teacher, and Curt Knox, the American woman who was accused of the murder of Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Umbria, Italy. In 2007. Knox moved to Perugia, Italy, to study Italian, German, and creative writing at the University for Foreigners for one year. She shared a house with Meredith Kercher, a student from England, as well as two Italian women.
After Meredith Kercher was found murdered on November 1, 2007, Amanda Knox and her boyfriend were both arrested for the crime. She was found guilty and sentenced to serve 26 years in prison and later the conviction was overturned on October 3, 2011, but the jury upheld Knox' conviction for falsely implicating bar owner Patrick Lumumba. For this Knox was sentenced to three years in prison, which she had already served, and was ordered to pay Lumumba's court costs of about 22,000 euros.
Amanda Knox’ lucky escape should thank the leaky Italian law. During the whole time of her trail, the media of the world followed closely. Now she is home with her family, but America is the land of opportunity, people never miss a chance making money from all sorts of situations, whether they are bad or good. According to industry experts, Amanda could sell her story in book, TV and even big screen movie rights for millions of dollars. People are lining up and can’t wait to get their hands on the gravy train.
As the matter of fact Amanda Knox’ family had already spent a fortune to secure her release, only her grandmother alone was said to have taken out a loan of $250,000. She needs to make quite a lot of money to repay her family. The thing is, although she was acquitted and allowed to go home, she isn’t quite out of the woods yet because Italian prosecutors are expected to make a final appeal against her acquittal. Therefore, any deal could be in need for discretion from the Italian authorities. Personally, after reading all the reports about the whole trail, it seems to me that Amanda Knox wasn’t exactly an angle. To be honest, I don’t believe she was completely innocent, only just lucky and be able to get away with it that is all. I also would believe that the whole thing will remain as hot topic for quite some time to come yet.

你又给了我一个苦差喇! 说实话,我根本并未注意到这度新闻,为了要深入一点了解整件事情的前因後果,我花了很多时间在网上找资料,取你这20分可实在辛苦了(又未必实得的),而且你要200个字,我连标点符号一共写了405个,下次要多给我几分至得了,若不是,我就不干了(Only joking OK?)。