


1、He run faster than Leo.

2、He can do it better.(well的比较级)

3、Lucy studies harder than other students.

4、Sooner or later, he will know the truth.

5、You can sit nearer to me.


6、We need to work more quickly to finish the misson in time.

7、He completed this more cleverly.

8、He behaves more carefully than he used to.

9、She speaks English more fluently than he.

10、You can show us more politely.

第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-04
对于比较级,可用以 than 引起的状语从句,说明与什么相比:

She is older than I (am).

(注意 than 是连词,不是介词,在本句中不可以用 me。)

She got up earlier today than (she did) yesterday.

It rains more often in summer than (it does) in autumn.

There are more cotton mills here than (there are) in my home town.

He worked faster than we had expected.

但是,在很多情况下,说话双方都是很清楚地知道所比较的对象的,因此可以不用带 than 的结构,例如:

She did much better today.

Are you feeling better now?

You must be more careful next time.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-11-12
1 He ran faster than Leo.
2 He can do it better.(well 的比较级)
3 Lucy studies harder than other students.
4 Sooner or later, he will know the truth.
5 You can sit nearer to me.

1 We need to work more quickly to finish the misson in time.
2 He completed this more cleverly.
3 He behaves more carefully than he used to.
4 She speaks English more fluently than he.
5 You can show us more politely.
第3个回答  2011-11-12
1、This scene is more exciting than that one.这个场面比那个场面更令人激动
2、This paper is more important than anything这张试卷更重要的是什么
3、I asked last more than one come to my birthday party我请了比上次更多人来参加我的生日聚会
第4个回答  2012-12-14
My grandpa is as energetic as a young man.
Which is the first most useful invention ?
He is one of the tallest boys in his class.
Days are getting longer and longer.
The house is three times bigger than that one .