

诞生于1969年的机器猫终于迎来了自己的真人版。toyota最新广告中,由《这个杀手不太冷》中的杀手Jean Reno扮演的哆啦a梦,秒杀了无数人。人们大呼“这个世界太疯狂了”。
我实在无法想象会是著名演员Jean Reno扮演哆啦a梦,我感到很雷人却也很期待。

第1个回答  2011-11-20
Born in 1969, Viking was finally ushered in their live version. toyota latest ad, from "the killer is not too cold" in the killer played by Jean Reno friends a dream duo, spike many people. People shouted, "The world is too crazy."
I can not imagine would be a famous actor Jean Reno plays a duo friends a dream, I was very shocking, but also looking forward to.