
要100字左右的~ 初一的日记 一定要写翻译 可以英汉夹杂 不要太多汉语 给分啊!~ 大虾们帮忙想想 ~~~~~

Mon,Oct.1 Fine十月一日星期一 晴
The Old Man and the Sea老人与海
Finished reading The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.This is one of Hemingway's best stories.Relatively easy to read,but very impressive,more impressive than Orwell's Animal Farm读完了海明威的<老人与海>.这是海明威最好的小说之一,比较容易读,但相当深刻感人,比奥威尔的<动物农庄>还胜一筹.
This old fisherman gallantly fought againt nature,but his human effort had its limit.Felt very sorry for him.This old man,however,learned the great truth in the end.老渔人勇敢地与自然搏斗,然后人力却有其局限性,我为他深深地感到遗憾.但是,这个老人,最后却学到了伟大的真理.

Today is National Day.It is neither too hot nor too cold.The sky is cobalt blue,and a fresh breeze blows from the south.今天是国庆节,天气不太热,也不冷.天空是深蓝色,吹着凉爽的南风.
Acoording to the evening newscast,the were quite a few people who did not fly the national flag over their doors.This is quite vicious.It is not too much to say that thesepeople are wanting in patriotism.We put up a national flag newly washed and pressed at our gate.傍晚的新闻广播说,有少数人没有在家门口悬挂着飞扬的国旗,这实在是不对.说这些人缺乏爱国心一点也不过分.我们在大门口升起了一面崭新的,刚刚熨过的国旗.

第1个回答  2007-10-04
haven’t written in this for quite some time, I think I must write something…
Today when I got to school I saw message on the screen. It says “Welcome Mr. Michael ***(sorry, I forgot he’s name~ )from Ledyard high school of Connecticut of U.S.A”.(当我到学校时看见我们学校的通知屏幕上写着)
I know our school contact brother school with that school those day. I think this is the reason that he comes.(我知道我们学校现在正在联系和这所学校结成兄弟学校,我想这也是他此行的目的吧)
As soon as I got to my classroom I hearded a piece of exciting news immediately. Mr. Michael would listen our english class!
English lesson arrives quickly. He introduce himself and he sang As she played the guitar. The first songs I forgot name and the second songs is sing about a little boy the toy little dragon.he He sings very pleasantly and we recive it very well. Then we began our class. The class is very interested to me due to the teacher use english more than before.
At last Mr. Michael lookaround our picture show,atelier,dance classroom and so on.
Maybe our school student will go to America study in future,but not now!
关于小龙和小男孩的我本来的意思是"他唱的是一首关于小男孩和他玩具小龙的故事" 好像打重复了~~
第2个回答  2007-10-04