
这两个句子哪个对:I let him do what he wants. I let him do what he wants to.
这两个句子哪个对:The house in which Lu Xun used to live is now a museum. The house which Lu Xun used to live in is now a museum.
选词填空:Can you help me find some information about Einstein (which;that) I can use for my report?

定语从句总是有个名词当先行词,中文总是翻译成".........的人或物"如The man who give me more help is a kind man .定语从句只修饰一个名词,宾语从句是放在及物动词后或介词后当宾语的从句.如He ordered that you should go to the front at once .I don't care for which you give me .而状语从句却修饰谓语动词.状语从句没有名词当先行词,只有连词在句首引导.常用连词有:引导时间状语从句的有when,while,as, 引导条件状语从句的有:if,as long as,now that,其它还有引导地点,原因,让步,方式,目的,结果等状语从句的,如:where,because,for,since,as,whatever,no matter what,however,whenever,wherever,so that,in order that,so,等等..如果你能抓住句子的意思是".........的人或物"意思是定语从句,战果是"因为,如果,无论,那里,目的是,结果"等意思时就是状语从句.如果删去定语从句,状语从句,主句还能成立:The man is a kind man .(If you go,)I will go .但如删去宾语从句,句子就不能成立了:He ordered.I don't care for.句子就不完整了.
定语从句有两个功能,一个是限制以帮助人们寻找区分出某人或某物。.另一功能是修饰形容.,就象中文里的“伟大的,光荣的,正确的”的抒情描述一样,没有寻找区别功能。我们要在一群女孩里找出一个叫罗勤燕的女孩,那就必须对这群女孩子进行限制,找出罗勤燕的一些个性特征:如:The girl who is very tall is Luo Qinyin。那个又高又漂亮的女孩就是罗勤燕。“又高又漂亮的女孩”就是限制性定语从句,它能帮助人找出罗勤燕。如果“罗勤燕”当先行词,教室里的女孩那么多个,不限制就找不出罗勤燕,罗勤燕只有一个,对“罗勤燕”就不能用限制性,必须用非限制性。非限制只能是补充说明, Luo Qinyin,who is very tall ,is our monitor 。这句话翻译与限制性完全不同:罗勤燕是我们的班长,她很高.”她很高.”是补充说明,要翻译成另一句话,它没有帮助寻找区分的功能.,而限制性定语从句只是一句话..
2.限制性定语从句的特点: 在中文中后置的被修饰限制的名词在英语中都是前置的,放在从句前当先行词.而定语从句又总是紧紧放在先行词后面。这就出现了与中文不一样的词序:主句和从句混在一起,主句的谓语动词与从句的谓语动词可紧紧地凑近混合在一起.
1)The girl who is dancing dances well。
2)The thing that I tasted tastes sweat
3)The girl at whom I looked looks beautiful.
1}.”The teacher pointed out that that that that student wrote was in wrong place 。”
2).The person who is brave is afraid to look at my eyes.
I can can the can that is smaller into the can that is bigger 。
3).The house whose windows are big is big .
4)The students who didn’t come didn’t get the money .
5)The boy who is tall is shorter than some classmates in the university in the north.
3.先行词,引导词,从句的主语这三个位置都是考试中惯考的三类难点。有两个技巧我们必须要掌握:1。凡是含有定语从句的复合句,都必须有两个主语,两个谓语动词,如果少一个主语或少一个谓语动词,都是不]正确的句子。象我们这次甲级联赛中都出现这样的错误:The student who is very tall and beautiful .
1)that ,which ,who ,whose,where,when都是考试惯考的引导词。.
1}______(a. the one b. that c. which d. who) you talked to is talking to us now.
2}I like the book_________(a. you b. that c. the one d. who)talked about .
b. which可以指代前面的整句话,这时which前面总是有个逗号,which在从句中大多当主语,偶尔也有在从句中当宾语的。
1)She tore my photo_____{a,which b. who c. which d. whose} I took in Guangzhou .
2) She tore my photo_____{a,which b. who c. which d. whose} made me angry .
3}I sat on the chair _____{a,which b. who c. which d. whose}legs are broken .
4.在表示地点的名词当先行词时,其后的定语从句中的动词大多数是不及物的,都是用where或介词+which引导从句.只有visit ,build ,buy ,sell ….等及物动词可以用在地点名词后的定语从句中,那时只能用关系代词which, that,当宾语可以省略.
1)The school _____I studied ten years ago becomes more and more beautiful.
2) The school _______I visited ten years ago becomes more and more beautiful.
3)This is the house in _____ Mao live many years ago.
4) This is the house_______ Mao built many years ago .
5)The bookshop ______he works is very large .
6)The bookshop ______ he bought last year is very large .
7)The bookshop ______he bought the book is very large .
5.在表示时间的名词当先行词时, 其后的定语从句中的动词也大多数是不及物的,都是用when或介词+which引导从句,只有spend,remember, forget,等少数几个及物动词词可以用在时间名词引导的定语从句中,它可以带时间名词当宾语,这时从句只能用which ,that引导,当从句宾语时that ,which当宾语可以省略以省略。
1)I’ll never forget the days _______ I lived in Beijing .
2) I’ll never forget the days _______ I spent in Beijing .
3)The time _____ you forget is the day after tomorrow .
4)The time _____you’ll meet me in Beijing is the day after tomorrow .
5)The time _____ you remembered to stop heating the soup is too late .
6)The time _____you remembered is 9:30 .
在汉语中,不使用连词也可以在一个句子中连用用几个动词;但在英语中,一个句子只能用一个谓语动词,除了用and 连接的两动词外,其它的两个动词一定要分清主次,从属等内在逻辑关系。表示原因,条件,目的,时间,临时性的不稳定的伴随动作等动词必须用非谓语或状语从句来表示。句子的重心应用作主句谓语动词,句子的次要,伴随,补充的说明部分必须用非谓语或有连词引导的状语从句。下面列举一些例句对比说明:
1."为了健康,他天天喝牛奶。""为了健康"是目的,是次要动作,“喝牛奶”才是唯一的谓语动词;In order that he can be more healthy, he drinks milk every day.
3,“我喝牛奶肚子痛。”“喝牛奶”在此处虽然是具体动作,但它和"肚子痛"有内在逻辑关系,它表示的是原因,是从属地位,“肚子痛”才是主要的谓语动词。可以用Since I have drunk some milk,I have some trouble with my stomach."
4,“喝牛奶,人健康”,“喝牛奶”与“健康”有逻辑联系,它显然是条件,可以用"If you Drink milk every day, you will get more healthy"来表示。
5,“我喝牛奶呛着了。”“喝牛奶”和“呛着”也有逻辑联系,它表示时间,可以用“When I drank some milk, I choked."来表示。
6,“他坐在那里喝牛奶.”“坐”是稳定的长背景动作,应做谓语动词,而“喝牛奶”却是变动不稳定的的伴随动作,是补充说明,可用非谓语动词:“He sat there,drinking some milk."
反之,如不用非谓语而用从句,那表示原因,条件,时间,伴随,目的的从句前又必须有连词。而中文却是可以省连词的,如上文的“喝牛奶肚子痛”“喝牛奶,人健康。”“喝牛奶呛着了”都可以加用连词也可以不用连词。因此中国学生往往把表示原因,条件,时间,伴随的从句不用连词,不用句号,却要与主句并列在一起,出现“少连词混淆主次”的错误,如:I am poor, I can't buy the house. "I am poor"显然与后面的句子有逻辑因果关系,应加连词Since或变成“Since I am poor,I can't buy the the house.
有时中国学生又会犯两个分句都用连词的错误,如:“因为我病了,所以今天我不能上学”译成:Because I am ill, so I can't go to school today.如两个分句象中文一样都用连词,那就没有表示句子主要意思的主句了。这便是“多连词导致无主句”错误。同理,如非谓语动词短语后的句子用连词,也等于犯了“无主句”的错误。Because,so2 a1 随便删去一个就可以了.
宾语从句主要要注意词序问题,不能用疑问句词序,要用陈述语序:He asked what my name is ?但He asked what was the matter =He asked what was wrong .是陈述语序,不是疑问句语序.
以上知识能力要点都是要靠理解,领悟,不是靠死记硬背的。下面让我们做一点练习来加深理解。注意两动作的主次逻辑关系,注意“无形式主语”“无连词”“不能多用连词 ”等非谓语动词特点。
第1个回答  2014-08-13
I let him do what he wants. 如果是I let him do what he wants to, 后面有跟动词,比如I let him do what he wants to do。

The house in which Lu Xun used to live is now a museum. The house which Lu Xun used to live in is now a museum. 两个都对。第一个语法更严谨。考试的话用第一个

Can you help me find some information about Einstein (that) I can use for my report?本回答被提问者采纳