翻译4个英语句子,用中文翻译,用英文paraphrase (类似写英文同义句,使句子更简单更通俗)

1.The nation has entered a period in which many houses are distinguished less by their lingering similarities than by hoe they diverge both from one another and from homes of the past.
2.Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscritps,the book of their deeds,the book of their words and the book of their heart.
3.However primitive and simple his method of work may be ,by the very fact of production ,he has risen above the animal kingdom However primitive and simple his method of work may be ,by the very fact of production ,he has risen above the animal kingdom
4.The power to produce great art is very often,though by no means always,associated with temperaomental unhappiness,so great that but for the joy which the artist derives from his work,he would be driven to suicide.
上面内容拼写有错误改为下面的7个句子,提高悬赏为20. 1. The nation has entered a period in which many houses are distinguished less by their lingering similarities than by how they diverge both from one another and from homes of the past

2. Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts, the book of their deeds, the book of their words and the book of their art.
3.Unless the man exploits others, he has to work in order to live. However simple and primitive his production may be, he has risen above the animal kingdom; rightly has he been defined as “animal that produces”.
4. The power to produce great art is very often, though by no means always, associated with a temperamental unhappiness, so great that but for the joy which the artist derives from his work, he would be driven to suicide.

第四句的temperamental 改好了。
1.The nation has entered a period in which many houses are distinguished less by their lingering similarities than by hoe, they diverge both from one another and from homes of the past.
Translation: 这个民族进入了这样一个时期,尽管很多房子有些许相似点,但也因为建造风格不同而各具特色;这些房子不仅各不相同,而且也都与过去的房子区别很大。
Paraphrase: Despite there are certain similarities among many of the nation’s houses, due to architectural style, they have their own particular features; they are not the same as each other or as those in the past.

2.Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts, the book of their deeds, the book of their words and the book of their art.
Translation: 伟大民族的自传分为三大篇章,实事篇、政策篇及文艺篇。
Paraphrase: When summarizing their histories, great nations should focus on three main aspects: what they do, what they say and what they appreciate.

3. Unless the man exploits others, he has to work in order to live. However simple and primitive his production may be, he has risen above the animal kingdom; rightly has he been defined as “animal that produces”.
Translation: 人为了生存,如非剥削他人,就必须得工作。不管他生产的东西可能有多么简单多么落后,他都比动物高级;理所当然地,他被定义为“会生产的动物”。
Paraphrase: People have to work for a living. No matter how simple his production may be, he has been superior to animals; naturally, he has been called “animal that produces”.

4.The power to produce great art is very often, though by no means always, associated with temperamental unhappiness, so great that but for the joy which the artist derives from his work, he would be driven to suicide.
Translation: 创作出伟大艺术的动力,尽管绝对不能说总是,但也十有八九都与精神方面的痛苦有关;若非艺术家能从其工作中获得快乐,他会被这巨大的痛苦逼得想要自杀的。
Paraphrase: Great art is often produced when the artist is unhappy. If the artist can not get any joy from his work, the great mental unhappiness would make him want to kill himself.
第1个回答  2011-12-31

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