
24. The boy must have stayed up late last night, _____?
A. mustn’t he B. hasn’t he C. didn’t he D. must he
25. — Excuse me, Can I _______ your pen?
— Sorry. I have _______ it to Bob.
A. borrow ; lent B. borrow; lended C. lend; borrowed D. lend; borrow
26. —What do the women in white do? Some of them are _____,some are teachers.
—How I admire them!
A.woman doctors B. women doctors C.woman doctor D.women doctor
Now a computer can do a lot of __35__ jobs wonderfully.
35. A. everyday B. every day C. each day D. some day
Do you think the people will be afraid __41__ they find that the computer is too clever to listen to and serve the people? No, people will __42__ better use of the computers in the future.
41. A. how B. that C. when D. while
42. A. chose B. get C. take D. make
The computer works only __45__ the help of man.
45. A. with B. under C. by D. for
18. Five-year-old children are too young to go to school, ?
A.are they B. aren’t they C .were they D. have they
20.My dictionary , I have looked for it everywhere but still it.
A. has lost; don’t find B. is missing; don’t find
C. has lost; haven’t found D. is missing; haven’t found
25. The popular program “Do you remember” on ZJTV every Friday.
A. is shown B. shows C. will appear D. is appeared
29. The picture shows us _______ in Hangzhou in the past.
A .what everyday life was like B. what was everyday life like
C. how everyday life was like D. how was everyday life like
25. —Hurry up! It’s time for exercise.
—OK. Let’s ______ our sports clothes .
A. wear B. put on C. dress D. dress up
17. Time isn’t enough for me .Can you give me_______?
A. five another minutes B. more five minutes
C. another minutes five D. five more minutes
20. The teacher said _____ wanted to go to the museum must be there before 6:00.
A. those who B. that C. who D. which
24. ________ me go!It’s of importance for me.
A. Do let B. Let do C. Doing let D. To do let
78.I was sleeping at that time. I don’t know what was h_________.(happen)←这个词的用法具体介绍下(具体哦!)
______(study) is the best way to make you wiser and smarter.
Comfort and advice from people who love you will cheer you up.
These small but good deeds will make you feel really nice.

24. The boy must have stayed up late last night, _____?
A. mustn’t he B. hasn’t he C. didn’t he D. must he
解释:must have done,句型,当表示对过去猜测时,常与表示过去具体时间的词连用,后面用didn't反问,此处有具体过去时间,last night,符合此用法。
25. — Excuse me, Can I _______ your pen?
— Sorry. I have _______ it to Bob.
A. borrow ; lent B. borrow; lended C. lend; borrowed D. lend; borrow
解释:此题在于区分borrow和lend的用法,borrow是借进来,lend是借出去,如果容易弄混,只要记住Can I borrow your。。。这个句型就可以了,意思是我能借你的。。。,lend与borrow正好用法相反。另外此处lend的过去式是lent

26. —What do the women in white do? Some of them are _____,some are teachers.
—How I admire them!
A.woman doctors B. women doctors C.woman doctor D.women doctor

Now a computer can do a lot of __35__ jobs wonderfully.
35. A. everyday B. every day C. each day D. some day
解释:A 日常的,每天的,形容词。B每天 名词。C每一天,名词 D 一些天 名词,后面是jobs 名词前面需要形容词修饰。

Do you think the people will be afraid __41__ they find that the computer is too clever to listen to and serve the people? No, people will __42__ better use of the computers in the future.
41. A. how B. that C. when D. while
42. A. chose B. get C. take D. make
解释:固定结构make use of意思为 利用。

The computer works only __45__ the help of man.
45. A. with B. under C. by D. for
解释:固定结构with the help of意思为“在……的帮助下”。

18. Five-year-old children are too young to go to school, ?
A.are they B. aren’t they C .were they D. have they

20.My dictionary , I have looked for it everywhere but still it.
A. has lost; don’t find B. is missing; don’t find
C. has lost; haven’t found D. is missing; haven’t found
解释:先看下面翻译,字典一直没有找到,所以一直处于丢失的状态,所以用正在进行时布偶那个完成时态,淘汰AC,第二个空 我已经找了用的是现在完成时,找和没找到应该都是发生在过去时的,所以也应该用现在完成时。

25. The popular program “Do you remember” on ZJTV every Friday.
A. is shown B. shows C. will appear D. is appeared
解释:这个很容易选A,用被动语态,show有及物动词和不及物动词,但是看句子后面用的on没有直接加宾语,证明此处show是不及物动词,如果是及物动词后面直接就加宾语了,不及物动词是不能用于被动语态的。所以此处排除A,every Friday,表示经常性发生,所以用一般现在时,选B

29. The picture shows us _______ in Hangzhou in the past.
A .what everyday life was like B. what was everyday life like
C. how everyday life was like D. how was everyday life like
解释:这道题目我看见有个模拟试卷上给的答案是B,答案是错误的。show sb sth,这个从句是做show的直接宾语,宾语从句的语序要恢复成正常的陈述语序,而B的语序是疑问句的语序,肯定是错误的。排除BD,另外连接词还要做介词like的宾语,how引导宾语从句不在从句中充当成分,所以排除C

25. —Hurry up! It’s time for exercise.
—OK. Let’s ______ our sports clothes .
A. wear B. put on C. dress D. dress up
B表示穿的动作。C用法是dress sb 后面接人

17. Time isn’t enough for me .Can you give me_______?
A. five another minutes B. more five minutes
C. another minutes five D. five more minutes
解释:首先排除AC,another与数字连用的顺序是 another+数字+名词,其次淘汰B,数字与more连用的顺序是 :数字+more。另外another five minutes=five more minutes 表示再多给五分钟

20. The teacher said _____ wanted to go to the museum must be there before 6:00.
A. those who B. that C. who D. which
解释:这个空格的连词需要在充当主句的宾语,同时在从句中充当主语,BCD都不可以这么用,只有选择A those做said的宾语,who引导定语从句修饰those

24. ________ me go!It’s of importance for me.
A. Do let B. Let do C. Doing let D. To do let
解释:这是强调句,加强语气,强调动词let 要在动词前放助动词do

78.I was sleeping at that time. I don’t know what was h_________.(happen)←这个词的用法具体介绍下(具体哦!)
  1. "sth.+happen+地点/时间",意为"某地/某时发生了某事"。例如:
  An accident happened in that street.那条街发生了一起事故。
  What's happening outside?外面发生什么事了?
  2. "sth.+happen to+sb."意为"某人出了某事(常指不好的事发生在某人身上)"。例如:
  A car accident happened to him yesterday.昨天他发生了交通事故。
  What happened to you?(=What was wrong / the matter with you?)你怎么啦?
  3. "sb.+happen+to do sth."意为"某人碰巧做某事"。例如:
  I happened to meet her in the street.我碰巧在街上遇见她。
  It happened that I was out when he called.他来访时我碰巧不在。
  1. happen为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。例如,要表示"这个故事发生在去年。"不能说:The story was happened last year.但可以说:The story happened last year.
  2. happen为短暂性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如,要表示"这事发生一年了。"不能说:This happened for one year.但可以说:This happened one year ago.
  3. happen一般用来强调某事发生的偶然性。如要表示事先安排或有准备的事情或活动,则不能用happen,而要用take place。例如:
  A sports meeting took place(=was held) in our school last week.上周我校举行了运动会。(不能说:A sports meeting happened in our school last week.)

______(study) is the best way to make you wiser and smarter.
解释:这里空格上市做主语,一般做主语的都是名词,代词,study本身就有名词性质,所以不需要变形 直接用名词形式就可以。

Comfort and advice from people who love you will cheer you up.
(Comfort and advice from people )主语(who love you)定语从句 (will cheer)谓语 (you) 宾语up. will cheer up都是谓语
These small but good deeds will make you feel really nice.
解释:(These small but good deeds)主语( will make)谓语 (you)宾语( feel really nice)宾补.

解释:unwell [,ʌn'wel] ,adj. 不舒服的;生病的,主要指身体状况,well的否定形式。


第1个回答  2012-01-01
24. The boy must have stayed up late last night, ___C__? (must have done 表示对过去的猜测,因此时态是过去)
A. mustn’t he B. hasn’t he C. didn’t he D. must he
25. — Excuse me, Can I ___A____ your pen?(borrow接入,lend 借出--lent-lent)
— Sorry. I have _______ it to Bob.
A. borrow ; lent B. borrow; lended C. lend; borrowed D. lend; borrow
26. —What do the women in white do? Some of them are __B___,some are teachers.
—How I admire them!(名词作定语时一般用单数,但是man和woman作定语,要随着被修饰词的单复数变化)
A.woman doctors B. women doctors C.woman doctor D.women doctor
Now a computer can do a lot of _A__jobs wonderfully.
35. A. everyday(定语形容词) B. every day(作状语) C. each day D. some day
Do you think the people will be afraid __41_C_ they find that the computer is too clever to listen to and serve the people? No, people will __42_D_ better use of the computers in the future.
41. A. how B. that C. when D. while
42. A. chose B. get C. take D. make
The computer works only __45_A_ the help of man.
45. A. with B. under C. by D. for
18. Five-year-old children are too young to go to school, A ?(too...to..否定)
A.are they B. aren’t they C .were they D. have they
20.My dictionary D , I have looked for it everywhere but still it.
A. has lost; don’t find B. is missing; don’t find
C. has lost; haven’t found D. is missing; haven’t found
25. The popular program “Do you remember” A on ZJTV every Friday.
A. is shown B. shows C. will appear D. is appeared
29. The picture shows us ____A___ in Hangzhou in the past.
A .what everyday life was like B. what was everyday life like
C. how everyday life was like D. how was everyday life like
25. —Hurry up! It’s time for exercise.
—OK. Let’s ___B___ our sports clothes .
A. wear B. put on C. dress D. dress up
17. Time isn’t enough for me .Can you give me___D____?
A. five another minutes B. more five minutes
C. another minutes five D. five more minutes
20. The teacher said __A___ wanted to go to the museum must be there before 6:00.
A. those who B. that C. who D. which
24. _____A___ me go!It’s of importance for me.
A. Do let B. Let do C. Doing let D. To do let
78.I was sleeping at that time. I don’t know what was h___happening_____.(happen)←这个词的用法具体介绍下(具体哦!)
事情发生用happen, 发生在某人身上 happen to sb.
某人碰巧做。。。 sb happen to do sth.
__Studying____(study) is the best way to make you wiser and smarter.
Comfort and advice from people who love you will cheer you up.
These small but good deeds will make you feel really nice.
If you are unwell, you are sick. 不舒服的; 生病的
第2个回答  2012-01-01
unwell 形容词well加否定前缀 (身体)不健康的
第3个回答  2012-01-02
18 b 要搞清楚什么是含有否定意思的词(有否定前缀的unhappy等),什么是否定词(not no seldom hardly...),too...to有否定意思却不是否定词,句子结构是肯定的
These small but good deeds will make you feel really nice.引申意义可以解释为勿以善小而不为,做一些微小的好事也能使你感觉很棒、做得好事很微小但也能使你感到满足快乐。
还有个楼下的答案,DO let...是强调句型
第4个回答  2012-01-02
24:didn't 反意疑问句,从last week 可以判断这里只有c didn't正确:
25:一空主动 2空被动 还有就是两个词的用法
26根据主谓确定为多数加s woman比较特殊也要改a改e B
35A是每日的 B则重在指每天 如some等词
41they find 指时间用when 当他们发现 42选c 做得更好
45 选under 在。。的指导下
18 tOO。。。TO是表示否定,但它的结构是肯定的,也就是说用肯定结构来表示否定含义,所以后面应该用回否定结构。
20 d 第一空:字典还没找到,用进行时,第二空是因为,已经找过了,但是还没找到,所以用完成时。
29C 这张图片展示了过去徐州人的日常生活是怎么样的 而不是什么 按意思排除AB 然后在宾语从局里语序按陈述 所以排除D
25dress up穿上
17D 就这两种说法another five minutes=five more minutes c颠倒了 所以选d
20谁想去xx就在6点前 who
24 A. Do let 倒装
78What happened to you你发生什么事了? how did it happen?这是如何发生的?它们的用法很简单使用第一句的前提是 你不知道发生了什么事而第二句呢 就是你已i知发生了的事,但不知道这件事发生的原因及经过第二句也可表示惊叹 “怎么会发生这种事呢?” 最通俗的解释了。
unwell 不舒服的 月经初潮
1. She never potters away a minute, not even when she is unwell.
2. He never potters away a minute, not even when he is unwell.
3. John isn't here today.'That figures, he looked very unwell yesterday.'
4. I had been warned off visiting her while she was still unwell.
5. She's been very unwell, but she's on the mend now.

ill adj.坏的, 有病的,... ailing adj. 生病的, 境...
indisposed adj.不愿意的,厌恶的... sick adj.有病的, 恶心的...
unhealthy adj.不健康的, 有害... diseased adj.害病的, 病态的...
poorly adv.贫穷地, 不充份... under the weather 不舒服, 身体不适
out of sorts 身体不适, 心情不佳 below par adj. 低于票面价值(不适)
off-colour adj. 颜色不佳的, ... seedy adj.褴褛的, 破旧的...
peaked adj.有遮檐的, 尖的... sickly adj.病弱的, 令人作...

unweighed adj. 未称量过的 unweighted mean 未加权平均数
unweight vt. 移去(或减少) ... unwelcome access 不受欢迎访问
unweighted adj. 无重负的, 不... unwelcome event 不受欢迎型事件
unwelcome adj.不受欢迎的, 讨厌的 unwelcomely adv. 不受欢迎地, 讨厌地
unwelcoming v. 冷淡地对待; ad... unweldable 不可焊接
unwept adj. 无人哀悼的, ... unwelded 未焊好的
unwhipped adj. 未受处罚的 unwellness n. 不舒服
unwholesome adj.有害健康的, 看... unwetted adj. 未润湿的
unwieldiness n. 难处理, 笨重, 笨拙 unwheeling 架车
unwieldy adj.笨重的, 笨拙的... unwhitened adj. 未弄白的, 未刷白的

24. The boy must have stayed up late last night, ___C__? (must have done 表示对过去的猜测,因此时态是过去)
A. mustn’t he B. hasn’t he C. didn’t he D. must he
25. — Excuse me, Can I ___A____ your pen?(borrow接入,lend 借出--lent-lent)
— Sorry. I have _______ it to Bob.
A. borrow ; lent B. borrow; lended C. lend; borrowed D. lend; borrow
26. —What do the women in white do? Some of them are __B___,some are teachers.
—How I admire them!(名词作定语时一般用单数,但是man和woman作定语,要随着被修饰词的单复数变化)
A.woman doctors B. women doctors C.woman doctor D.women doctor
Now a computer can do a lot of _A__jobs wonderfully.
35. A. everyday(定语形容词) B. every day(作状语) C. each day D. some day
Do you think the people will be afraid __41_C_ they find that the computer is too clever to listen to and serve the people? No, people will __42_D_ better use of the computers in the future.
41. A. how B. that C. when D. while
42. A. chose B. get C. take D. make
The computer works only __45_A_ the help of man.
45. A. with B. under C. by D. for
18. Five-year-old children are too young to go to school, A ?(too...to..否定)
A.are they B. aren’t they C .were they D. have they
20.My dictionary D , I have looked for it everywhere but still it.
A. has lost; don’t find B. is missing; don’t find
C. has lost; haven’t found D. is missing; haven’t found
25. The popular program “Do you remember” A on ZJTV every Friday.
A. is shown B. shows C. will appear D. is appeared
29. The picture shows us ____A___ in Hangzhou in the past.
A .what everyday life was like B. what was everyday life like
C. how everyday life was like D. how was everyday life like
25. —Hurry up! It’s time for exercise.
—OK. Let’s ___B___ our sports clothes .
A. wear B. put on C. dress D. dress up
17. Time isn’t enough for me .Can you give me___D____?
A. five another minutes B. more five minutes
C. another minutes five D. five more minutes
20. The teacher said __A___ wanted to go to the museum must be there before 6:00.
A. those who B. that C. who D. which
24. _____A___ me go!It’s of importance for me.
A. Do let B. Let do C. Doing let D. To do let
78.I was sleeping at that time. I don’t know what was h___happening_____.(happen)←这个词的用法具体介绍下(具体哦!)
事情发生用happen, 发生在某人身上 happen to sb.
某人碰巧做。。。 sb happen to do sth.
__Studying____(study) is the best way to make you wiser and smarter.
Comfort and advice from people who love you will cheer you up.
These small but good deeds will make you feel really nice.
If you are unwell, you are sick. 不舒服的; 生病的
第5个回答  2012-01-01
24.C. didn’t he
25. A. borrow ; lent
26. B. women doctors
35. A. everyday
41.C. when
42.D. make