You & Me - Dave Matthews Band 歌词翻译


Wanna pack your bags, Something small
Take what you need and we disappear
Without a trace we'll be gone, gone
The moon and the stars can follow the car
and then when we get to the ocean
We gonna take a boat to the end of the world
All the way to the end of the world

Oh, and when the kids are old enough
We gonna teach them to fly
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yes, yes
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yes, yes

You and I, we're not tied to the ground
Not falling but rising like rolling around
Eyes closed above the rooftops
Eyes closed, we're gonna spin through the stars
Our arms wide as the sky
We gonna ride the blue all the way to the end of the world
To the end of the world

Oh, and when the kids are old enough
We gonna teach them to fly
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yes, yes
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yes, yes

We can always look back at what we did
All these memories of you and me baby
But right now it's you and me forever girl
And you know we could do better than anything that we did
You know that you and me, we could do anything

You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yeah, yeah
To of us together, we could do anything, baby
You and me together yeah, yeah
To of us together yeah, yeah
To of us together, we could do anything, baby
something wrong to reach the end of the world

Wanna pack your bags, Something small
Take what you need and we disappear
Without a trace we'll be gone, gone
The moon and the stars can follow the car
and then when we get to the ocean
We gonna take a boat to the end of the world
All the way to the end of the world

Oh, and when the kids are old enough
We gonna teach them to fly
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yes, yes
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby

You and me together yes, yes

You and I, we're not tied to the ground
Not falling but rising like rolling around
Eyes closed above the roof tops
Eyes closed, we're gonna spin through the stars
Our arms wide as the sky
We gonna ride the blue all the way to the end of the world
To the end of the world

Oh, and when the kids are old enough
We gonna teach them to fly
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yes, yes
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yes, yes
We can always look back at what we did
All these memories of you and me baby
But right now it's you and me forever girl
And you know we could do better than anything that we did
You know that you and me, we could do anything

You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yeah, yeah
To of us together, we could do anything, baby
You and me together yeah, yeah
To of us together yeah, yeah
To of us together, we could do anything, baby
something wrong to reach the end of the world

第1个回答  2011-12-15

Wanna pack your bags, Something small 打点行李包,东西少越好
Take what you need and we disappear 够用即出发,随我去逍遥。
Without a trace we'll be gone, gone 转身无踪影,风过花在摇。
The moon and the stars can follow the car 繁星若春水,明月来相照。
and then when we get to the ocean
We gonna take a boat to the end of the world 朝至大海边,游目骋怀眺。
All the way to the end of the world 江海寄余生,小舟天际渺。

Oh, and when the kids are old enough 良辰总觉短,子女绕膝间。
We gonna teach them to fly 但教鸿鹄志,盘桓天地间。
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby 此生得你伴,道远亦不言。
You and me together yes, yes
You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yes, yes 有你伴。

You and I, we're not tied to the ground 你我非泥沼,志走银河边。
Not falling but rising like rolling around
Eyes closed above the rooftops 目出三山外,神游万仞天。
Eyes closed, we're gonna spin through the stars
Our arms wide as the sky 扶摇九千里,超越世界巅。
We gonna ride the blue all the way to the end of the world
To the end of the world 世界之巅。

We can always look back at what we did 往事可追忆,一路皆有你。
All these memories of you and me baby
But right now it's you and me forever girl 今时两无猜,未来更可期。
And you know we could do better than anything that we did
You know that you and me, we could do anything 双人常合璧,天下更无敌。

You and me together, we could do anything, Baby
You and me together yeah, yeah
To of us together, we could do anything, baby
You and me together yeah, yeah
To of us together yeah, yeah
To of us together, we could do anything, baby 蝶舞燕双飞,相逢共举杯。
something wrong to reach the end of the world 若言爱你错,来世亦不悔。