

Xi You Ji also known as Journey to the West, is the story of a monk by the name of Tang Seng. During the seventh century, Tang Seng was sent from China to India by his brother the emperor to get a collection of Buddhist bibles. He faced many dangers along the way but finally reached India, returned and the 'Jing' or Gold (the bibles were priceless) and they currently reside in the giant Pagoda in Central Xi An, which is now open to tourists. Journey to the West isn't the true story but it's based on Tang Seng going from China to India in 629AD to 646AD, adding many mythical areas to the story and it has become one of the most loved stories in Chinese history. The main characters in Journey to the West are Tang Seng; "Sun Wu Kong" or "Wu Kong" for short; "Zhu Ba Jie" (mildly translates into Pig Monk); and "Sha Seng"(Sand Monk)
第1个回答  2023-08-28
1. Sun Wukong: 孙悟空是《西游记》中的主角和最受欢迎的角色之一。他是一只猴子,后来成为了佛教的护法神。他的主要武器是“如意金箍棒”,并且他拥有七十二变的能力。他的特点是勇敢、顽皮和机智。
2. Tang Sanzang: 唐僧是故事的主角,他是一个虔诚的佛教徒,去西天取经。他的主要武器是“九环锡杖”,并且他经常被孙悟空的恶作剧困扰。
3.观音菩萨: 观音菩萨是佛教中的一位重要神祇,是孙悟空的导师和保护者。在《西游记》中,她经常以人的形象出现,帮助唐僧一行人。
4. Buddha: 佛祖是佛教的核心,是万物的智慧和救世主。在《西游记》中,佛祖通过梦境指导唐僧去西天取经。
5. Laozi: 老子是道家学派的创始人,经常被描绘为一位智者。在《西游记》中,他赠送了唐僧许多宝物。