

  -Hello. Maddy Bowen.

  Leo:Yeah.Thought I'd never call, huh?

  -And I'm so glad you did. Excuse me.
  When am I gonna see you?

  Leo:Maddy, I want you to do me one more favor, huh?
  I want you to go meet Solomon in Conakry.

  -In Guinea? Why do you want me to go to Guinea?

  Leo:We found his son…….but he's gonna need some help, you understand?Maddy?

  -I'm here.Are you hurt?

  Leo:Yeah, well, I've got a little problem here.

  -Okay. You…. You tell me where you are.Archer?

  Leo:I'm looking at an incredible view right now.I wish you were here, Maddy.

  -Okay, then I'm coming to be with you. You just tell me where you are.

  Leo:I don't think so.

  -Are you still in Kono? Because I can get someone there to help you.

  Leo:Maddy, you find someplace safe for the boy, all right?And keep him out of sight.And get Solomon to London.He's bringing something with him.But he's gonna need your help.

  -Why aren't you bringing it yourself?

  Leo:I'm saying it's a real story now.And you can write the hell out of it.I'm really happy I met you.You know that?

  -Yeah, I'm…I'm really happy I met you too.And I wish I could be there with you.

  Leo:That's all right.I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.
第1个回答  2007-08-10
I'm seeing a beatiful senery
第2个回答  2007-08-10