


《伊格尔远征记》,俄罗斯古代英雄史诗 。成书于1185~1187年,著者不详。全诗由序诗、中心部分和结尾组成,以12世纪罗斯王公伊戈尔一次失败的远征为史实依据。史诗成书的时代,正是俄罗斯大地上公国林立,相互攻击、残杀的时代。主人公伊戈尔为消除公国的外患——盘据在黑海沿岸的波洛夫人,率远征军进行征伐。在伊戈尔身上,兼有着为自己民族抗御外敌的英雄气概和追求个人荣誉、轻率行动的性格特征。伊戈尔的远征失败了,他先是成了敌人的阶下囚,后来终于逃回了祖国。史诗最后借基辅大公之口道出了这部作品的要旨:团结起来,为祖国和民族,为伊戈尔的失败复仇。作品在叙述英雄业绩时充溢着爱国主义精神和浓郁的抒情气氛。在作者笔下,俄罗斯大地上的山川风物都具有灵性。作品大量使用了象征、比喻等修辞手法,显示出对于民歌的继承关系,对后代诗人产生了巨大影响
第1个回答  2017-02-18
如果你想准确地找到这首诗的话,最好是找这首诗的英文名字the Charge of the Light Brigade,这样找的比较准确。
第2个回答  2011-10-09
“The Charge of the Light Brigade”

By Tennyson, Alfred

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
‘Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!’ he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
‘Forward, the Light Brigade!’
Was there a man dismay’d?
Not tho’ the soldier knew
Someone had blunder’d:
Their’s not to make reply,
Their’s not to reason why,
Their’s but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley’d and thunder’d;

Storm’d at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Flash’d all their sabres bare,
Flash’d as they turn’d in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder’d:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro’ the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel’d from the sabre-stroke
Shatter’d and sunder’d.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.
Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley’d and thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro’ the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.
When can their glory fade ?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wonder’d.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!追问


第3个回答  2011-10-08
第4个回答  2011-10-12

