英语作文:How to show your polite?很急,拜托


Being polite is defferent in defferent cultures. So if you want to be polite to others, you'd better know their cultures beforehand. However, being polite is similar in some way, for example, we can show our polite by smiling at others or looking at others' eyes when talking with others instead of looking away from him or her, which shows you don't respect the person you are talking with. don't interrupt others when they are talking. don't be too nosy, because everybody has his own secret which they don't want to expose to others. If you invove yourself in others' privacy, they will feel offended. In a word, being polite means respecting others' habits and hobbies rather than tread on them.
第1个回答  2011-10-14
As we are growing, we should know the rules of how to be polite.
To be polite, we should speak gently. People who call someone's name is impolite.
To be polite,we should give our seat to the old in public places. A person who helps others is polite.
To be polite, we shouldn't throw litter about. Someone who pay no attention to environmental health is impolite.
As long as everyone show his respect to the society, the society will develop quickly and healthly.
第2个回答  2011-10-16
polite, we should speak gently. People who call someone's name is impolite.
To be polite,we should give our seat to the old in public places. A person who helps others is polite.
To be polite, we shouldn't throw litter about. Someone who pay no attention to environmental health is impolite.