I want to的同义词是什么?


I want to do something的同义的同义用法有:
❶ I would like to do something
Perhaps I would like to pay a visit to London.也许,我乐意去游览一下伦敦。
I would like my wedding cake decorated with cupids.我想在我的结婚蛋糕上装饰一些丘比特的造型。

❷ I feel like doing something
Although sometimes I feel like bothering, as often as not I don't.虽然我有时会觉得这是在找麻烦,但是通常并不会这样。

❸ I wish to do something
If I wish to go away for the weekend, our office will be delighted to make hotel reservations.如果我想外出度周末,我们办事处将很乐意为我预订旅馆的。

❹ I intend to do something/doing something
I didn't intend coming to Germany to work.我没有打算来德国工作。
I intend to do A levels and go to university.我计划先参加高级考试,然后去读大学。
第1个回答  2018-03-31

intend to do

want to是想要做某事,intend to do是想要做,想要……

例句:Those children want to be level with adults.


第2个回答  推荐于2018-02-23
I d like to
I like to
I need本回答被网友采纳