

"Happy holidays!" is the English translation of the phrase "节日快乐". When wishing someone a joyous festival in English, it is common to use the expression "Happy holidays!". This phrase is suitable for specific holidays such as Christmas and New Year's, as well as for general greetings encompassing all holidays throughout the year. Its popularity stems from its simplicity and emotional warmth. Whether in cards or in face-to-face conversations, it effectively conveys good wishes and happiness. Additionally, the term "holidays" is inclusive and can be applied to all festive occasions, making "Happy holidays!" a universally accepted and appreciated greeting that adapts to different cultures and backgrounds.除了 "Happy holidays!", other commonly used English greetings include "Merry Christmas!" (圣诞快乐!), "Happy New Year!" (新年快乐!), and "Happy Easter!" (复活节快乐!). Although these phrases are associated with specific holidays, they are all suitable for expressing good wishes and joy to others. In summary, "Happy holidays!" is a simple yet effective English greeting that is appropriate for various occasions and festivals. It is an excellent choice for wishing friends, family, or colleagues a joyful celebration.